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ink's p.o.v~

I can't believe we got caught! especially while we were trying to save blue! i can't believe it's been two year's.... A tear rolled down my cheek...I can't save my friend....We've been slowly losing the war since he got captured....

blue's p.o.v~

It's been two year's now. I can't remember anything from before this cell...Probably for the best to. They usually call me '11' but i don't know why. I don't usually eat anything and unless the testing me or experimenting on me i'm in my cell. I usually sit in the corner and think alot i mean what else do i have to do? I'm actually sitting in the corner right now...I heard the door open and when i looked up i saw a four people. Error walked up to me and smiled, " C'mon number 11, we need to run a test. won't take long i promise." I got up not dragging behind or dragging my feet. They led me to a door and when i walked in it was all white. I sensed something weird to my left so i looked over. On the other side of the break proof glass i saw 3 people tied up and sitting with their back to each other. I wonder why their tied up? Who were they anyways?

ink's p.o.v~

"who is number 11?" i asked looking at him with confusion. we heard the door to the other room open and some one walk in. who is that? i looked back over to nightmare. he was smirking, "number 11 is in front of you. he's actually my first experiment since well.... a while i guess." dream and me exchanged as mush of a glance as we could....we were tied and our back facing each other. "who was he before?" dream asked fear lacing his voice. nightmare started to laugh and looked back at us after he finished, "well i suppose i should tell you... after a preview of our little show~" 

 blue's p.o.v~

" well i suppose i should tell you... after our little preview of our show~"i think two of them are star sans' or at least they look like what nightmare and error described to me. i only know those two's names i don't know any one else and the one with a orange hoodie looks like the guards who stand outside. weird.... why would the star sans' be here with a orange guy? i wanted to inspect them when i collapsed and a insufferable pain grew in my head. i squeezed my head hoping it would end.i wanted to scream but how could i if it hurt to breath alone. it stopped when nightmare opened his mouth to speak. "good number 11, very good. give in to the corruption~" the pain in my was gone but he shocked me using my collar. i screamed so loud he smiled at my suffering. i looked over to the one with the crown looked like he was in pain while the other two were in fear. pain ran it's course like a marathon was being held inside of my bones. when he stopped shocking me i layed there with aching bones and in pain. "number 11 is swap!" i lifted my head up at the new name. it was strange... i wonder who swap is? i kept panting as i put my head back down. ' he's never this harsh. i wonder why? is it the new people? they better get out before they cause more trouble for me' i snapped out of my thoughts when nightmare started to speak again, "he won't remember you though," he started as the other's just stared at me," he couldn't remember from the start! we are making sure it stays that way. you see i've poured my corruption in/on him and over his bare soul. he was a little docile at first but we've fixed that." when he finished the guards came in and dragged me out of there and threw me in my cell. i fell asleep right when i hit that floor..... what it was comfy.


i'm gonna clear up some things....blue has no pupils and even if he did corruption would cover them but no he has no pupils and he barely looks how he used too. he doesn't look innocent he looks hurt, emotionless, and actually able to kill some one which he is....the next chapter is probably gonna trigger some peoples feelings so ya.... i hope ya'll liked chapter too! :)

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