"If you want you can sleep at my house tonight," Taehyung says, his eyes still on the road.

"Sure, if you're fine with it."

"Good. I'm fine with it." Taehyung smiles at me then the smile disappear as soon as it came and his eyes went back to the road.

I felt a bit sad at the lost of attention then lecture myself for being like so. I really do need to stop liking and caring for Taehyung when I know he sees me differently.

We soon arrived at Taehyung's house. I get both our luggages and plan to bring it inside. "Wait, I'll do it." Taehyung throws me his keys and grab the luggages out of my hand. "You open the door."

I open the door while he got our stuff. I turn on the lights and make my way to the living room. There were pictures of Taehyung and his family hanging on the walls like usual.

Taehyung was a family person. I notice a picture on the coffee table that wats faced down. Curiously I lift it back up. It was a picture of him and Jimin. They were at the Namsan Seoul Tower. I recognize the view it gives.

Taehyung looked so happy and soft. Jimin was looked so different. He had big cheeks and smile a smile I never saw him smile before. A special smile.

I notice something else on the table. It was faced down. I pick it up and look at it. It was a picture of Jungkook and Jimin at a restaurant. It looked like it was taken secretly.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung's sharp voice ask. I don't bother to hide the photo knowing he stood there long enough. He sees the picture I'm holding. He walks closer to me and take the photo out of my hand. "Oh, this. I took it when I found out about their secret relationship. I planned to sell them out to the public before they could."

He sits down on the sofa and stares at it thoughtfully. "But you didn't." I follow him and sit down next to him. "Why? You had all the possible roots, didn't you."

"I didn't."

"You did," I say knowing he did. A moment of silence fills the room.

"I did," he admits with a shaky voice and drops the picture. "I did." He looks at me with watery eyes then pull me into an embrace. Once again I felt Taehyung's tears on my shoulder like on the bridge.

This time I knew more of how he felt and understood him more.

Third person's p.o.v

Jin took out his luggage and said bye to Namjoon, Taehyung, and Hoseok. He also thanked them for dropping him home. The lights were on which meant Jungkook probably already came home.

Jin reaches the door and takes out his keys. Taehyung dropped him off at the back of the house. Opening the back door he slowly entered. He didn't see Jungkook anywhere. *ring* *ring*

The phone rings. Jin picks it up. "Hello." It was Jungkook's mom. "Yes, we came home not too long ago. Yes, I will go to your house. Bye."

Jungkook's mom wanted him to go sleep at her house and in his room over there. Jin decided to tell Jungkook first before leaving. Yet, he didn't know where he was. He heard a noise outside in the front.

"Jungkook?" Jin walks out to the front yard. Sure enough Jungkook was sitting by the pool DRINKING.

"Jungkook!" Jin exclaims. He goes to Jungkook and take away the cup and the bottle of beer. "What are you doing?"

Jungkook tries to grab the cup and bottle. "Leave me alone," he says coldly.

"No," Jin says putting the cup and bottle aside. "Why are you like this? You never drink." Jungkook didn't answer him and just pouts. His face was a light shade of pink. Jin scoots closer smelling him. "How long have you been drinking?"

Jungkook blabbers something and leans against Jin. To support the extra weight Jin holds Jungkook in an almost back hug way. The grass was not wet but a little damp. Jin feels Jungkook's body.

It was so hot. "Jungkook you should get inside," Jin suggests worriedly.

"No! I don't want to!" Jungkook stubbornly says and snuggles deeper into Jin.

"Jungkook," Jin say.

Jungkook looks up at him tiredly. "He doesn't love me, Jin. He loves someone else. I don't want to believe," Jungkook says hazily.

"Who?" Jin asked cupping his cheek. It was hot also.

"Jimin. He still loves Taehyung and maybe even someone else," Jungkook broke down crying.

"I'm here for you Jungkook," Jin told him though he knew Jungkook may not remember.

"You are." Jungkook blacked out after saying that. Jin put his hand on Jungkook's forehead, the temperature was calming down.

Slowly and steadily he wraps an arm around Jungkook's waist and an arm of Jungkook around his neck. He carefully makes his way inside and up the stairs. By the time they reached Jungkook's room he was panting. Jungkook worked out a lot.

He lays Jungkook in the bed making sure he is comfortable. Then he goes grabs a wet towel to wipe his body.

Jin wipes his face first admiring each and every detail. He takes off Jungkook's shirt to wipe there. He remembered when he saw Jungkook shirtless in black trunks. When they played together in the pool.

His face reddens at the memory. He wipes his chest trying not to wake him up. He only bothered to do the top half. He put the towel in the bowl of water and was about to leave when Jungkook grabs his wrist.

He tries desperately to pry off Jungkook's hand but to no avail. Jungkook opens his eyes, "Jimin is that you."

"It's Jin," Jin says still trying to pry off the hand. He successfully does as Jungkook sits up. Before he can escape Jungkook pulls him down to sit on the bed.

"Jimin, you came back. Tell me you still love me. Remember the timberlands you gave me. I still have them."

Jin sits there kind of sad. He never saw Jungkook in this state. He was either somewhat mean or playful. But not this. You can say love makes you do stupid things.

Jungkook scoots closer to Jin and takes his hands up to cup both of Seokjin's cheeks. Jin pushes him away. "Jungkook you're not thinking right. I have to go." Jin pushes him away and gets up again.

Jungkook harshly grab Jin's wrist and pull him back down. "Jimin, don't leave me. Please." Jungkook comes closer to Jin as he squirms and tries to break free. Seokjin stops as Jungkook had place his lips on Jin's.

Jin just sits there. Jungkook moves away. "I love you Jimin." He pins Jin down on the bed and kisses him once again.

Jin fights against Jungkook. "I'm not Jimin, Jungkook!" Jungkook doesn't listen and continues doing what he does.

Soon Jin gets tired and let Jungkook do what he was doing. "I'm not Jimin. I'm Jin, Seokjin," he quietly says though he knows Jungkook doesn't hear him.

Jungkook places a gentle kiss on his lips. "Kiss me Jimin." A tear escapes his eye but he kisses back anyways doing what his heart wants.

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