Chp 5

241 7 1

Rae's pov

Waking up to an empty bed left me confused. Zairen was never a morning person, so what would have her up this early?

Sitting up in the bed I stretched my body. My nose filled with the beautiful smell of..... breakfast?

My parents were not going to be back for a bit, and as far as I knew none of us could cook. Throwing my blanket in the air, I rushed downstairs to see what heaven sent to my kitchen. Only to find the athlete making an omlete in the pan.

"Good morning," she said, giving me that award winning smiled that melted my heart.

Meanwhile, I was still kn a state of slight shock. My bestfriend was cooking.

"Here I already made this for you. If you want any more it is some left on the stove."

Sitting at the counter I was met with a plate of colorful berries on a golden brown waffle. Covered in the sweetly pleasant smell of maple syrup.


I was awe struck, I didn't know how much Zairen has changed since I left. The food was complete heaven, crunchy outside with soft inside. The berries gave it a bitter taste yet all went in balance with the sweetness of the maple syrup.

"Do you like it," she seemed a bit nervous when she ask. The anticipation killing her every second as her fingers tapped the counter.

Covering my mouth I answered, "I love it."

She giggled, letting out a breath of relief.

"Good, because that would've been a big waste of my summer."

She went back to chopping up berries for her own golden brown waffle.

"So what do you think you want to do today," I asked stuffing more of the glorious waffle into my mouth.

"How about a movie?"

"Can we watch a scary movie," I suggested. Let's make one thing clear, when it comes to scary movies I am terrified of them, but being the stubborn person I am I never want to abck down from a challenge.

My bestfriend sighed, a small smile appeared on her face knowing there was no talking me out of the genre.

"Ok, we can go see a scary movie."

I squealed in excitement running up the stairs to get dressed for our movie night out.

Zairen was never in as much of a rush as me cause she never took as long to get ready as I did.

After finishing her breakfast she came in to my room changing in to some fresh clothes, while I sat in a pile of fabric on the floor.

Carefully examining each color to decide which I was in the mood for more. I could feel her eyes staring at me, possibly waiting on me to ask her which shirt I would look best in.

This was a common reoccurrence, but I have missed it since I left for the summer. Not being able to have her help me through my mental stress of clothes was chaotic.

Thirty minutes passed as I finally settled on a red crop top and some ripped jeans.

During the ride to the movies we both screamed songs at the top of our lungs. I'm pretty sure a few cars laughed at us in amusement or just looked at us horrified.


Taking the final turn the two bestfriends entered the movie theater parking lot. Since it was a Saturday, parking was scarce, but they where able to find a spot close enough for their liking to the front door.

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