Chapter 1

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*A/N Hey guys! Sorry I went MIA (Missing In Action) there but I am back! Like I said you have to read Problems In Lovers Land First or this will not make sense! Please enjoy.

Red woke up with a start. He groaned and rolled over pulling Green closer to him. They needed to talk but he sure as hell wasn't going to wake up Green anytime soon. That boy loved his sleep and you disturb him, well that person will learn a lesson out of fear.

He blinked his eyes awake and saw that it was about eight in the morning and Green was going to wake up in a little while from the morning sickness he was battling through.

Red settled down in a comfortable position and watched the sun rise from the horizon, admiring the different shades of purple and pink before looking down at Green who was starting to stir in his sleep.

He watched as green eyes flickered open and try to focus before looking at him. Green smiled before he stretched. Red sat up and moved his legs when he saw Green clutch at his stomach.

Red sighed as he saw Green run to the bathroom and winced when he heard him throw up. He felt bad for him, having to throw up all the time.

He slipped out of bed and walked to the bathroom where he saw Green shivering, sitting beside the toilet. Without saying a word Red got him a glass of water and put a cool wet cloth on the back of his neck.

Green looked up at him and gave him a tiny smile before sipping at the water. Afterwards he climbed into Red's lap and leaned against him.

"Good morning cuddlebug." Red whispered.

Red learned that at a time like this he couldn't call him his little stabber or he would be kicked out of the bathroom, which he didn't want to happen.

"Morning." Green replied.

Hs felt Green shiver as he tried to relax his body. Green hated throwing up because of all the tension he got afterwards and the stomach flipping. It made him want to throw up all again.

"You going to be ok?" Red asked.

"Yea I think so." Green whimpered.

They sat there for a few extra minutes just to make sure Green wouldn't be throwing up again if he tried to eat breakfast.

"Good to go?" Red asked his lover.

Green slowly nodded and yawned. He stood up and brushed his teeth while Red walked to the kitchen to make some breakfast. Red frowned, he couldn't cook for the life of him. He looked at his mother who was sitting at the kitchen table.

"Mom? Ummm what do I feed him?"

Dani looked up. "You want to give him a light breakfast."

Red looked at the fridge and back at her. "Um like what?"

"Oh right you cant cook. I got it go sit down." She told him as she moved around the kitchen gracefully.

He nodded and sat down. He pulled the newspaper closer to see what was going on in the sports world. He looked up when he saw Green enter the kitchen. He saw him walk over to Dani and speak to her quietly and grew curious. What were they talking about?

Green turned and sat down beside Red, smiling a little bit. "What was that about?"

"Oh just questions about this." Green said waving a hand at his stomach.

The raven haired boy nodded and leaned over to kiss him good morning, which Green quickly gave him. "Can we talk later?"

Green nodded and grabbed his shirt giving it a little tug, quietly asking if this was going to be a bad talk. Red shook his head and heard his lover let out a breath and gave him a little smile.

"Here you are boys. Eat up and you take it easy, you do not want to throw it up again." The older woman scolded Green, which caused him to blush and he promised that he would.

"Alright I got to go to work. Take it easy boys." She said as she gathered her stuff up and walked out the front door.

It was silent for a couple minutes before Green looked over at him. "You want to talk now?"

Red nodded and swallowed his mouthful of food. "I got a little apartment and I was wondering if you wanted to move out with me." He told him while sliding a key over to him.

Green looked down at the key and back at him. "You know I will go anywhere with you but can we afford this?"

Red smiled. "I got a job which will make you laugh. Okay so the coach said that he is going to start paying me because I spend to many hours at school to be a student."

"Wait that's a thing?"

Red chuckled. "Apparently. So what do you say?"

"Why yes Red Stevenson, I will move in with you."

Red smiled and pulled Green onto his lap. "I am the luckiest person on the planet."

Green huffed and tried to get off so he could continue to eat his breakfast. He whined when he felt Red strengthen his grip on him. "Red! Breakfast is getting cold."

"Then eat it."

Green rolled his eyes and pulled his plate over to him. "I hate you sometimes." He grumbled.

Red laughed at that and got up to wash his plate. "Love you too sweetheart."

He heard Green groan and run off to the bathroom. He turned and followed him wondering when this morning sickness was going to pass. Hopefully soon because he hated seeing him like this.

He sat down behind Green and rubbed his back while making soothing sounds and rubbing his back. But to be honest, he was really happy for getting a kid. God this made him sound like a horrible person.

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