Always With you

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Hera hated morning sickness, it was 0400 in the morning and Hera was tired and just wanted sleep. Her baby wouldn't give her that. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her back, like someone was there.

"It's alright, I'm here." She turned around and saw no one there, only a wall. That same sensation continued until her bout of sickness ended. She got up and went back to her room.

"You... Listen. This boy... Is good to have around." Okadiah said, coughing. This time more violently. "You ought to... Stick by him... Think... He needs..." Before he could say anymore, he stopped breathing.

"He's gone Kanan." Hera cried.

Hera remembered this, it was long ago. Before the ghost crew was formed. Okadiah was a good friend of Kanan's, he was the one who told her about Kanan. That she couldn't quite remember, but she did remember him telling her to "Marry him." At the time that seemed a dumb idea, but now, it was all she wanted. That and a family with him. Then she started thinking, did Kanan know? Did he know she is Pregnant? Is that what he wanted to tell her before Rukh interrupted them? So many questions that would never be answered.

"If only he were here." She whispered to herself before lying down on her bed.

"Oohh he said that did he?" Chopper told her that Kanan said to "Fly better." So she quickly turned the ship, making Chopper hit the wall. She could hear Kanan slightly yell as he continued to fire at the TIE fighters.


4 months later...

Now there was a much larger Rebellion, and Hera was part of it. For now at least.

"General Syndulla?" Hera turned around and saw Captain Andor, he had a Data-pad with Information for a mission. She hadn't told anyone about her pregnancy, and because of her small frame, it was harder to tell at the time. The only person who knew was Sabine, Zeb and Chopper.

"Yes Captain?" She asked.

"This is a mission from Senator Organa, he needs you to check on Red Squadron. They haven't called in yet." Cassian responded, he handed her the Data-Pad and walked off.

"Last seen on..." She Re-Read what their location was to make sure she wasn't seeing things.

"Ryloth. Oh no." She sighed. Hera definitely didn't want her father to know about the baby.

"It's alright." Hera heard the same voice she heard months ago whenever she had morning sickness. Hera didn't know why, but she trusted the voice and decided to take the mission. She typed an agreement message into the Pad and went to the ghost.

So far nothing had gone wrong, The Empire didn't show up and nothing was trying to destroy herself and The Ghost. She entered the Ryloth system and quickly noticed a Star destroyer.

"Uh oh." She tried her best to turn around but they had already began firing. Hera dodged the blasts and tried her best to land on her home planet. The Ghost was losing it's shields fast, she needed to hurry.

"Go." There was that voice again! Hera didn't hesitate to do as the voice said. She zoomed onto the planet, hoping TIE fighters wouldn't follow.

And there was no TIEs. That was strange, there always was. Hera paid no mind and looked for a place to land. After a few minutes, she landed and went to look for Red Squadron, if they were even there. She took her comm off her belt and put it to the frequency that would be able to contact her father, maybe he knew something. He picked up.

"Father, we need to talk."


Cham was coming to her location so she could ask him if he had seen any rebel pilots around. She knew it would take awhile so Hera went back into The Ghost and went to her room.

"I know what to say now. I love you."

"That's just the Truth serum talking."

"No, it's me. All me."

Hera's eyes became hot with fresh tears. She said goodbye to him already, but wasn't over him.

"I wish you could have stayed longer. I wish you could be here now. I wish you could just..." She stopped herself when she felt it. It felt like pure-joy when it happened. The little patters inside her stomach for the first time. She continued crying, but this time it was happy cries. She put her hand to her stomach and grinned. Then it happened, a very similar sensation to the one she felt when she had morning sickness. It felt like another hand was resting on her stomach.

"I can't wait to see him."

"Neither can I." She responded to the voice this time.

She smiled again and waited for her father to show up.


4 months later...

No one but Hera, the nurse and doctor were in the room. No one was next to Hera. Then why did she feel someone's hand holding her own?

"You can do this, I'm right here." The voice reassured. Hera went into labor about five hours ago, and soon she would meet her son.

One last push. Hera thought.

Then she heard it.

Her newborn son's cry.

Hera gasped and began crying again. The nurse handed him to her and she looked at him. He had tuffs of Green hair, and around his slightly pointed ears was hints of green.

"He's perfect." She breathed. Now she felt someone kiss her forehead, and even her baby reacted to something, like he had also been given a kiss on the forehead.

"He really is. I love you Hera, and I love him." She put her hand to her mouth and weeped.

"Kanan." She remembered now. When she had morning sickness, he was the one rubbing her back. When the baby first kicked, he was the one who put his hand on her stomach. It was him who held her hand. He was there. He was always with them both, always. Hera considered naming her son Caleb, or maybe Kanan, but she didn't want to name her baby as a reminder of someone who she would never forget. She would name him after someone else, someone she almost forgot. Her brother, who died when he was far to Young.

"Jacen. Jacen Syndulla."

A/N I hope you liked it! I made it as emotional as possible. Please leave a vote and feedback 💚. I'm just gonna go cry for awhile now guys. Bye!


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