"My Lord, what happened-"

"I would ask the questions first Abebi. What are you doing in the forest at the last hour of the day in a white attire?" He cut in, his voice hard like steel. A visible scowl appeared on her face.

"I was chosen my Lord."

"Chosen?" He was confused, but he did not raise an eyebrow or wrinkle his face like others do in confusion. Suddenly, it dawned on him. "Chosen as the Kings betrothed."

"Yes my Lord."

"And you have been joined to him by the priest? He had paid your bride price?"

"Yes my Lord."

"Then what are you doing outside, instead of the hut of your husband?" He spat out.

She sighed. "I stabbed him and ran away." She said plainly, looking away.

His eyes widened in surprise, a feat for him as his face was mostly like a statue with moving lips. "Abomination! Abebi? Are you mad?"

"No my Lord. I am perfectly sane."

"I do not think you are sane! Why would you kill the Oba? The gods chosen one? Do you know the punishments the gods would be planning for you?" He asked frantically.

"He tried to..."

"To what Abebi? Spit it out!"

"To consumate the marriage."

"Eh ehn, and what is wrong with that? He is your husband after all." He replied bitterly.

"He is no husband of mine! The only husband I have is you." She said firmly, and his heart swelled with pride.

"Abebi, the gods would punish us if we do whatever it is that you are thinking. I am already in trouble because I am alive, I cannot take the Kings wife too." He reasoned.

"You are in no trouble. I have offered my first son to Ogun in exchange for your life. Fear not." She replied and his eyes widened again. Twice already, he was going soft. But she continued before he could scold her. "And we can leave Oba Eniafe's kingdom. Once we leave, all ties that connects me to him would be broken."


"Please my Lord." She boldly moved to him, placing her small hands on his hard chest. "Think about it."

But he could not think clearly with their close proximity. Their noses were almost touching, and he could look into her beautiful eyes. All he ever wanted was to be with her from the first day he saw her fetching water from the stream.

"Do you not feel love for me my Lord? Do you not feel it?" She whispered. His senses were running wild at that moment, her body smelled of shea butter, her hair was loosed and running wild, even with the small bruise that was forming on her head, she still looked like an angel.

"I am a warrior Abebi, I do not feel love." He simply said and her face fell. She moved away from him but he held her on her shoulders, stopping her. "But when I am with you, the emotions come rushing. Happiness, joy, peace, I feel them all. I have never felt love, but I do know that I want to spend my life with you."

Grinning widely, she wrapped her hands around his neck and rests her head on his shoulder. He savored the moment for five seconds before gently pushing her away. "You are still another's wife Abebi, and I must not dishonor you."

She sat opposite him and rolled her eyes, making no comment on the matter. "What about you my Lord? What happened?"

"That is a story for the next cock crow my love. For now we have some distance between us and the palace. They would start searching for you, and they would want you alive." He stood up briskly, and she reluctantly obeyed. She was extremely tired.

"I can see a light far off! She is near!" They heard someone shout and Abebi froze, as her hands started to tremble.

"Blow out the lamp my love, and let us go. We must hurry." Tomori's voice came in sharp whispers.

She obeyed him and followed, praying to the gods.


The king had survived.

That was the news the town crier gave the next morning. Abebi's family were afraid of the wrath of the King, the King was mobilizing his guards to search for her, the jealous women gossiped, and the able men set out in the forest to search for her.

There was a hefty reward of ten thousand cowries, a large farm, servants, a title, and one of the Kings daughters for anyone who brought Abebi alive.

Oba Eniafe had finally found the way to get his heir, he was not letting her go.


Dun dun dun. This king should've died jare. What's wrong with this author sef? 😅🙈👀

Who liked Tomori and Abebi's moment😍💏? Can they even form ship name sef? You guys should help me and form oh.

What do you think about Tomori now?

And what do you think would happen to Abebi's family?

Abebi offering her first son to Ogun... thoughts?

Thanks for reading! Bride Price is still on the what's hot list! And it has been there since the first chapter! I can't thank you guys enough. 😘😘😄

Advice, suggestions, criticism, they are welcome. Let me know what I'm doing wrong or right.

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- Olori Timi

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