First Day Back

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  "Just stay in bed a bit longer" he continued his plea which has already lasted 40 minutes.

"You know I want to but I can't. Today's the big day I've been pestering you about since I got my new schedule"

It was your first day back to work since your month and a half long vacation and you were honestly starting to miss work.

He groaned taking the pillow over his head exposing his back to you. It was tempting to hop back in as you were still exhausted but you need to return to making that bank.

"I'll call you during lunch to give you an update. Love you boo"you say grabbing your purse.

"Smd" he grumbled rolling over onto your side of the bed.

"Not with that attitude I won't" you laughed at his annoyed state kissing his cheek and walking out your room.
Short but it's something
- C. 💛✨

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