Your First Date

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We met at my sister's sweet sixteen party. If it wasn't for her spoiled as lifestyle, Zayn wouldn't existed. He was just another teenager invited to a party. But today he was my date.


My phone vibrated on the table indicating I recived message. It was a text from zayn

'Pick you up at 7:30 '

I sighed checking the time. 6:47

'Okay I'm just getting ready see you later ' I texted back and turned off the screen

I got up from bed and went into the bathroom to freshen up. I undressed and took a shower contemplating what I'm gonna wear. After the shower I picked out my outfit and shoes and went back to the bathroom. I fixed your hair and added some light makeup

Soon the doorbell rang. I rushed downstairs and opened the door. Zayn stood in front of me smiling and embraced me in a hug while kissing my cheek.

"Hey babe" he said releasing me from the hug.

"Hey " I smiled back examining his outfit.

He wore a blue shirt, some dark wash jeans with some Nike sneakers. His raven black hair was carefree and his stuble was unshaved. Even though he dressed casual he looked damn fine. I grabbed my purse and keys and locked the door.

He opened the car door and let me in quickly running to his side.

He got in turned on the car driving out of the driveway. "Where are we going" I asked anticipation rolling with my words. "Its a suprise" he winked at me knowing I hated waiting. I rolled my eyes and just sat there staring at him.

"Your an ass you know that" I narrowed my eyes into his skull. He chuckled placing his over sized hand on mine, rubbing his thumb up and down. "But you love me" he laughed while you kissed your teeth.


"We're here y/n" he announced running to my side grabbing the door. I looked up from my phone and got out. It was the annual fair. I began to smile like an idiot.

"I knew you liked fairs" he grinned running his fingers through his hair. I smiled nodding in agreement. I bounced in excitment. Places like this brought my inner-child out. Immeaditly, I dragged him into a ticket line.

Afer we received our passes, We walked around looking for things to do.

"I wanna go on this one!" I pointed grasping the giant stuffed pig Zayn won for me.

He rolled his eyes and followed me to the line.

"Why this one though" he huffed standing next to you.

"Cause boy I said so" I giggled hugging him.


By the time we reached the front I put my items of a ledge and walked inside the ride hearing it close and lock.

"Over hear" Zayn patted an empty spot for myou o lay on.

He grabbed my hand and began caressing it.

" Ladies and gentleman please stay down at all times and enjoy the ride. Remember pregnant or nauseaited people aren't permitted to ride okay enjoy" the intercom man spoke in monotone.

A loud blaring sound came from the machine causing the ride to slowy move. It soon began to quicken its pace and tilt. I felt my body being pressed against the mat with so much force.

I turned to Zayn who's eyes were kept squeezed shut. I burst into a laughing fit and grabbed for him arm.

"YY/NN!!!" he yelled looking at your amused face. "WHAT?" you laughed blocking out sound of screams. " IF I SURVIVE THIS, IM NEVER TAKING YOU ON A DATE AGAIN!" he screamed as the ride took a sharp left lean.

" YOUR AN ASS" I said twice today.



The last time I went on this ride I got a migran for a week

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