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Do you ever feel overwhelmed by an indescribable feeling, making you uncomfortable and uneasy? The kind where you suddenly feel that your life is going to be routed somewhere you don't want it to be - kind of like an abyss. But you end up not minding it because why worry about something omnipresent; something not real. 

Then you laugh. You realize that you're doing it again. You're overthinking.

Then a pattern happens. And then it happens.

And you couldn't do anything but embrace and accept it: the inevitable.

But somewhere, something deep inside you is eating you alive about that feeling that seems to spread like an itch just like the past's temptation. And it all makes sense.

Your past caught up, climbed and latched onto your present, wanting to be with you in future. You have gone weak and unwilled.

And you think that you have no control of your life anymore.

But maybe you do. Maybe somewhere, something deep inside you can help you become strong, willed and be able to do the right thing.

Because you have to control your life.

And you NEVER want to NOT control your life.


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