"So, what are you going to do?" I looked out at the children playing on the park in the distance. I had to sit and think about the answer. What was I going to do? I don't fully understand what my mom meant.  She said I had a purpose in the world. Other than accepting myself as I am, I don't know what she meant. I get that I have powers, but what for? I don't understand how something 'could possibly be so important that I need powers. And snow? Really? Like, why wasn't I given a normal power, like invisibility, or flying. 

"To be honest, Anna, I have no idea" I said turning to my sister. We both just looked at each other for a while. No one spoke. No one moved. We just sat there, processing our lives. Thinking about how so much has changed. About how much we have been through. 

"Well, we should get back to the house. I'm pretty sure Jack's mom is making potato soup for dinner." I said standing up, holding my hand out to Anna. She smiled and took my hand as we started walking back to my car. The car ride home was silent. Not an awkward silent, but a contempt silent, like everything finally felt right in the world. 

We pulled up to the house and made our way to the front door. Before Anna could walk inside, I remembered something. 

"Oh, Anna!" 

"Hmm?" she replied turning around. 

"Mom told me to tell you she loves you." Anna let a small smile creep onto her lips before opening the door. 

"Ah yes! The wonderful smell of potatoes!" Anna shouted as she walked towards the kitchen. I just chuckled and took my shoes off before following behind her. I didn't realize she had stopped walking until I bumped into her. 

"Hey! Why did you stop?"I asked laughing. I quickly stopped when I saw the scene in the kitchen. There, tied to the dinning chairs, was Jack and his mom. They had tape over their mouths and they looked terrified. I pushed passed Anna and made my way over to them. They looked at me with wide eyes and shook their heads. 

"What's wrong? I'm getting you out of there." I said ripping the tape off of Jack's mouth. He winced as the tape pulled at his skin. Before I could ask him what the hell happened, I heard a quick squeal from behind me. I turned around and was frozen in my spot. Holding Anna and Lucy by the hair,  was my dad. And he looked pissed. 

"Elsa, what a nice surprise. I didn't expect to see you so, what's the word, happy" he said sarcastically. "I over heard a couple of officers talking about how you found your mom's body while I was sitting in a cell. And I couldn't help but wonder why you even went to find her at all. She never took care of you, so why did you go find her?" my dad asked with a creepy smirk plastered to his face. I was so scared of the man in front of me that I couldn't even think. 

"She had a dream and decided to go home to investigate. Now let them go!" Jack shouted.

"Uh uh uh. The only one who is allowed to talk is Elsa. Unless you want your tongue ripped out, I suggest you shut the hell up!"

The whole room was silent, aside from Lucy's silent cries. She's too little to be wrapped up in this mess. She wouldn't be in this if I would have just stayed dead. 

"Let them go." I said quietly. 

"Let me think about it. Yeah, not gonna happen!" My dad said without hesitation. I was getting frustrated, and I was starting to lose control.

"I said, let them go!" I shouted. All of a sudden, there was a blizzard in the kitchen. 

"Elsa stop! You need to calm down!" I heard Jack shout at me. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths. It wasn't long until the blizzard was just a small flurry. All of a sudden, the only sound in the room was my dad's evil laugh. It roared through the room and made Lucy cry even more. Anna, on the other hand looked like she was paralyzed with fear. 

"So that's what your mom meant for all those years." My dad said after he finished his laughing fit. 

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Oh. You mean she never told you anything? How funny. Well, for several years, your mom would always say you had something special in you. I never understood what she meant, so I decided that you would never be special. So that's when I started to abuse you. You never did anything wrong, you simply just had something special about you that I didn't know anything about. So after that son of a bitch took you away from me several times, I decided to take it out on your mother, to see if she would tell me more about this 'special' thing inside you. She would never tell me, so I killed her. And now that I have figured it out, I plan on making your life miserable forever."

My dad started laughing again and I had no idea what he was going to do next. Before I could do anything, he pushed the hot soup off the stove towards me. I had no time to move out of the way, so my legs were splashed with the boiling liquid. I screamed from the pain of the burning soup, and didn't even realize my dad started to run off with Anna and Lucy. Once I regained my composure, I was fueled with rage and darted in the direction he ran. Once I was outside, he was no where to be seen. I stopped outside at the edge of the driveway and collapsed from the pain coursing through my body. All I could do was cry. He took away two people who had a huge impact on my life. And now I don't think I will ever be able to find them. 

I heard footsteps behind me before I saw someone in front of my face. 

"Oh my god I am going to kill that man. These burns look bad, El. Let's bring you back inside." Jack said carefully picking me up. He sat me on the couch and already had his mom there with a first aid kit. I stared blankly at the wall while my burns were being treated. 

"Don't worry Elsa. We will find them. I won't let that man take my daughters." Jack's mom said. I gave her a little smile at her use of the word "daughters."

"I am going to kill him" Jack said while holding my hand.

"Not if I do it first" I said staring straight ahead. 

And that's when everything right in the world turned wrong.

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