She's Gone

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Lucy's POV
In her mind

It has been hours...

Why am I not waking up yet....? Is there something wrong....with me...?

I need to wake up soon...people could get worried...Natsu...please...don't be scared...I will find a way out of this...

Natsu's POV
It's around 9:35 pm

I walk back to the group and I walk one of the main doctors who was helping Lucy. Doctor Porlyusica I think...

I finally get to her and I say, "Um Hey..." She turns to me. "Leave me alone. I hate children and stupid men coming up to me." She says as she writes in her clipboard. I sigh and I say, "When can I see Lucy...?" "You could have seen her any time when the two doctors gave you her condition. Now as I say again...Leave me alone before I kick you god knows where!" I gulp and I walk from her and to everyone.

"Um, guys we can see her...but we just have to be quiet..." Everyone turns to my direction and some nod while some to says things but they were too lost for words.

"Come on..." I say sad and a little nervous.

I open the door to see a girl...Lucy...I turn to everyone behind me. I look to them all and I say, "Can I talk to her...alone...?" Some sad nod and some nod. I breathe in and I walk to her and I kneeled down. I look to her heartbeat on the scanner and it a little below average...Dammit...

"Lucy...I know you can't hear me right now...but I'm so sorry...I didn't save you in time.... (starts tearing up) but please...Don't leave me...! You are the only thing I have left...! Please...." Then something slips out of my mouth which I never say to any girl, "I love you..."

Then I start to cry a little. "Please...come back...for me..."

I lean towards her and I kiss her on the forehead.

Please get better...

I need to see your beautiful face enlighten me again...

I get up and I walk away sadly...I open the door to see everyone there...

"Can we all see her...?" Levy says.

I nod and everyone goes in..including me...

Levy and all the girls kneel down to Lucy. Gajeel has his hand on Levy's back comforting her. Romeo was kneeling down next to Wendy. Gray was by one of the chairs in the corner with Jellal. Last but not least Juvia and Erza were next to each other looking at Lucy.

All the girls cried. Even Erza. Wow...

I haven't seen Erza cry since Jellal broke up with her.

Then Levy says, "Lu-Chan...please be okay...And please let the injuries on your back get better...." Levy covers her mouth quickly. What....?

Everyone looked at Levy shocked. "Levy shut up!" Erza says. "Wait...What do you mean Levy?" Gajeel says. "N-Nothing!" She says automatically. "What does that mean?!" I say furious. "N-Natsu, please! I-I said the wrong thing! I didn't mean it like that!" I started walking towards Levy and tighten my fist. "What do you mean by that?!?!" "Salamander calm down!" Gajeel says push me back a little. "I HAVE EVERY GOD DAMN RIGHT TO KNOW WHAT THE HELL SHE IS TALKING ABOUT! LEVY TELL ME NOW!" I realize how loud I yelled and Levy was shaking.

"L-Levy...I'm sorry...I just stressed right now...Just please tell me..." " hurt by...someone..." "Who?" I say kinda angry. "I-I don't know...Lu-Chan didn't tell me..." Wait...


I started to tickle her. She's trying to hold in her laughter. Then something made her flinch and says under her breathe, "Ow..Ow.." I stop and I look at her. She says, "I'm fine!" I just stare at her. Just what was that...? "You sure?" She nods a lot yes.


Why didn't I see that coming...? I knew something was wrong with her...

I sigh heavily. "Wait did anyone else know about her back?" Everyone but Erza and Levy says, "No." I look at Erza. "Erza? You too?" Jellal says. She nods her head "Yes." I knew something was up between them. When Lucy went to them to apologize...Everything became a little weird...

"God....(chuckles) I can't believe I realized about you lying to me Lucy...That's pretty can keep everyone from not being time...don't lie to me..." I say putting my hand on my forehead.

Then suddenly the nurse comes in. "Visiting hours are over...I have to leave now..I'm sorry..." I frown and so does everyone else. I started to walk out then suddenly I hear, "Wait!" I turn to see Juvia day. "Can one person stay just in case if she wakes up...?" The nurse put her finger on her chin. "Hmm...I don't see why not! Ok, who is the person going to be." I turn to everyone and they all look at me. I smile and say, "Thanks, guys..." They all nod and Jellal says, "Me, Gajeel, and Gray will pack your stuff...girls do want to help with Lucy's stuff?" All the girls nod happily and they walk out with the rest of the boys.

I turn to Lucy and I yawn. "Well...It's just you and me tonight..." I sit in the chair closest to Lucy and I fall asleep.

?????? POV


Found the I need to take her...

I walk in the hospital and I go to the counter where a girl is there. "Hi! I left my phone in Miss Lucy Heartfilia's room. Can I go get it?" She says, "Ok...I will just need your signature to please to know that you signed in tonight at 11:58 pm." Ugh. She puts the clipboard on the counter and I write my name. "Can I go?" She nods. "Yes and have a good night!" I wave once and I walk to the girl's room. 178...

Found it! I put on my mask and I open the door to see the girl on the bed with her eyes closed. Then I turn to see- SHIT NATSU! This wasn't meant to happen! Ugh...

I creep over to the girl so Natsu wouldn't hear me. I take off the breathing mask and then the machine started to beep loudly.


SHIT! I quickly grab the girl and Natsu woke up. Oh no... "WHAT THE HELL?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH LUCY?!" He was going to punch me then I quickly dodge him. And I kick him in the stomach. I'm sorry Natsu... He runs up to me again. I can't look to see what I'm about to do. I can tell I kick him in the face. I open my eyes to see Natsu on the floor. He has a bruise on his right eye and his cheekbone. I need to get out of here...

I run with the girl in my arms and alarms went off. I run to the counter and see no one there. They must be by the girl's room by now. I was about to walk out but then I realize my name on the clipboard. I go to the counter to see the clipboard. I rip my name off and I run out.

I run to the parking lot. I put the girl in the back seats laying down and I put the breathing machine on the floor. I also put the oxygen mask on her face. She started to breathe carefully again. That's good. I get out a blanket from the truck and I put it on the girl.

I close the door and I sit in the driver's seat. And I start to drive. Then I call HIM. "Did you get the girl?" "Yes." "Was Natsu there?" "...Yes...I barely got out in time because of him. And I even had to knock him out because of how crazy he was getting." "Is the girl okay?" "Yes, I put the breathing machine on like you said." "Okay. Fly back to Magnolia as soon as you can." "Got it," I say as I end the call.

I'm sorry Natsu...but this for your own good...

The Next Day
Natsu's POV

I wake to be in bed. What happened...? Augh! My head hurts.....

I see everyone around me. They all looked at me and looked worried. "Natsu wheres Lucy?!" Erza says. no no...

"She's gone!!!"

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