The Beginning: Time of Hate

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After Death created the whole fiasco, Time began to have a larger role in human lives. This began with Time taking on the body of a human. The first time any being did. Time became a she and walked among the humans as a wise lady. Quickly, they grew smarter and more unpredictable. Each being branching further and further away from the first few, yet still having the carefree look on life. At least until Time decided to create lifespans.

Like before, humans feared their impending doom. Making Fear strong once again. Like Time, Fear and Truth also took on human forms and walked among the living. Truth followed Time's lead and spent her time among the people. Although, unlike Time and Truth, Fear spent his time with the rest of creation. Living with the animals, he resembled Life far more than he resembled Death. He simply flowed with nature. You may know him as animal instinct or the monster in the woods. The humans named him Fear, and those who did not fear him knew him as Soren.

Truth, she was far more involved in human affairs. Often appearing to them as an abandoned child in need of care. She would live with families and help them reach the truths they tried so hard to avoid. While she was rather painful for most, all respected her. To those who truly knew the truth, she was Alethea.

It wasn't until this age that they began to earn their names. Each revered as a god. They fed into the beings that existed and were the cause of more. Soon, Will graced the Earth. His earthly name Will just as much as who he was as a being. He was Life's sole creation without the help of Death or humans. She loved him with all her heart in the same way any human mother would love her child. He was special; he was hope.

Before long, more beings came to be. Humans feelings growing stronger and more unique, more uncontrollable. Truth was respected; thus, it only makes sense she would be the goddess humans chose to make more beings.

As humans wished, Adventure and Hate became to be as real as Truth. With intelligence, more humans chose Adventure to live for. Even though the adults chose to follow him, the children followed him without choice. He was the insatiable curiosity that drove them to trouble and fun. He would appear as a young boy, convincing children with his liveliness. Their Adventure was known as Flynn to the gods. On the other hand, Hate came to be. Envy and greed began to grow within humans. He was known as Odysseus. Rightfully so, Life and Death took no human names. They were the beginning and end to all the living, and if anything, all of creation should remember this.

Before long, Time convinced everyone to find a place to call home, Ouranós. Each wanted something different; however, Time gave the final decision to Life. As an apology for changing the humans from what they once were.

"Gwyn. All is well. I was never angry with you." Life asserted. A place to call home was welcomed by Life as they had already begun to mimic their beloved humans. "I want to live among them. We will make a home among the humans."

To say the least, the rest of the gods where rather shocked but none dare disagree with Life's final word. They all respected Life and vowed, like Death, to create a beautiful world. The gods are not on earth to control it. They protect all the living creatures.

"Yes! That sounds quite marvelous." Flynn loved the humans, so of course, he would want to live among them. Immediately, he left to begin preparations. Alethea and Soren went along as well. Each wanting to have their own say in how they lived on earth. Yet, Gwyn, Odysseus, and Will cared little. Each was more concerned with the brewing evil in humans.

"Fancy a match?" Will asked Odysseus and Gwyn.

"No, but I'll stay and watch." Gwyn's chosen human form was a frail old woman but make no mistake. She could kick ass.

"Sure." Odysseus immediately pounced at Will, who barely held him back. The way they fought was all fist and force. Landing blows on each other without needing to touch. The air and earth around obeyed their commands as they had both been created by Life and Death. "I'm worried, Will."

"I'm glad. I should worry you." Will chuckled back.

"I think I will ask Life for help. I need it. The humans, they are restless and are becoming angrier every day."

"Angry with what?"

"I'm not sure, but I'm worried. I can't control them." Odysseus shoved Will to the ground and pinned him with the air. "I shouldn't be able to beat you, Will. We need to get Life and Death" And he was right. Will now understood how dire the situation was. He couldn't push back hard enough to release himself. As Life's direct child, he was as strong as Fear and Truth, but stronger than Hate and Adventure.

"Well, this is no good. Odysseus, it's my turn." Gwyn pushed the air towards Odysseus who moved quick enough to block it. Then she kicked the air again and this time pushed him back. Moving her arms from the ground up, she used vines to grab his feet. He failed to use the vines but put out his hands towards her, creating a wind tunnel. He proceeded to suck out her oxygen, and slowly, the vines fell from his legs.

"Ody...Odysseus!" Will called until Odysseus finally turned his head back to him. His eyes were completely black with hate. They flashed back to his grey for only a moment and his control over the wind disappeared. "Get Life. Something's wrong." Then with a grimace, his eyes went black and he turned to look at Gwyn once again, but she was already gone. Looking back to Will, he began to scream as his eyes fought to regain their normal color. Agony. That was what was written on his face.

Will knew he wouldn't be able to hold him for long, but Time had it covered. Again, Odysseus lunged at him and he managed to block. Pulling up the trick Gwyn had used earlier to help even the odds. The vines popped out of the ground grabbing at Odysseus's ankles. The vines were almost immediately set ablaze, mirroring Odysseus's red eyes. Will went to move once more but Odysseus had pushed the air holding him in place. His hand went to the ground pulling a large stone up from which he traces a spear. Will knew what was coming and waited.

Death coated the air in a thick black cloud. Will could not see, but he could sense. He watched as Death smoothly strode towards where Odysseus had been. Will heard Death shout, "Anapávomai!", and then the cloud cleared. Odysseus was lying on the ground and Life shined nearby. The light flickered slightly before regaining the intense light. Skin so pale the light reflected was like a beacon.

Will looked up to see Life's sad face. Touching Hate's chest, Life pulled out a little black orb and broke it in half. Motioning Will to come, Life placed one half in his hand and replaced the other half within Hate. Taking back the other half, Life held it and with the other hand touched Hate's chest again.

"Eínai." The orb began to shine, and Odysseus began to breathe again. The half orb regenerated and came to be a full circle. Life slowly laid down with eyes barely open. "Will, take it and explain to Odysseus when he wakes. This is Beauty. I wish her to be named Kálla." With that, Life faded into a deep sleep. 

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