"Of course I'm fucking happy Chloe, are we going to keep this another secret?" He asked.

"I'd like too, till he or she is born healthy and I can get back into that stage of being quick on my feet. Jenna and her boyfriend and friends are moving our stuff into the new house." I smiled.

"Did everyone know?" Jack asked.

"Everyone knew for about a month or so."
"I fucking knew your boobs got bigger." Jack laughed.
"My god this is amazing, this is mine? I made this," Jack laughed lifting my sweatshirt up. "How long have you knew?" He asked.

"I dead ass found out last month and I think I'm 3 months along because of that happened last time with Emma my stomach changed and my symptoms were late and there's a slight chance that what happened to Em-." Jack kissed me and touched my cheek. "Don't talk like that. I'll find you the best doctor in California." He Said. "Baby is Due is October 19th, so no wine for like a year and Jenna and cleaning out my weed stash, I feel good about this one." I smiled. Jack kissed me and rubbed my back. I felt him start to shake and herd him began to cry. "Baby." I laughed.

Jack gently placed me on the ground and smiled at me jack kept on lifting up my sweatshirt looking at my little bump. "Can I have a hug?" He asked.

"Of course." I smiled.
We shared a hug on the ground while everyone looked at us. "I love you, and I'm going to protect you the best I can. Just stay calm through this I'm going to make sure everything goes smoothly and get you the best doctors." Jack smiled.

A smile formed on my face as Jack helped me stand up. "I'm afraid to let go of you." Jack laughed.

Rian handed me a bottle of sparkling grape juice and smiled. "You can't drink for about a year so pretend this is wine." He laughed. I took a swig from the bottle and laughed. "It's gonna be a long one." I smiled.

Brian their tour manager came up to me and hugged me. "Congratulations dear." He smiled.
"We gotta go back and take pictures with the kids then we'll go about our day." Brian told them.
Jack took my hand and lead me out to the group of people in wheelchairs and other little kids. Everyone waved and smiled at me. I saw what seemed like a mom signing to her son. I could watch their conversations as I understand what they were saying To each other. Jacks put his finger under my chin wanting a kiss. I squeezed his hand and kept my eyes on the son. He was maybe 4 or 6 and he kept looking over at me. I looked at the mom and realized I went to school with her. She was one of my older friends that I hung out with. "Sarah." I called. She looked over and smiled at me. I let go of Jack's hand and walked towards her. "Chloe Jones, your name has been everywhere in the news my love. How are you?" She smiled.

"I'm great, how are you?" I smiled

"I've been better my Husband is running late and i don't know sign language a lot and he does." She Said.

"What's his name?" I asked

"Parker, he's def and has COPD. What's basically a breathing disorder. Parker ran off in line to meet the boys. "Are you going to Coachella?" She Laughed. "I have an extra ticket and want to find someone to go with."

"I was but I found out that I'll be having a baby this fall." I Said quietly.

"No way, congratulations, with Barakat?" She asked.

"Yeah, planning our wedding after tour too."

"That's amazing Chloe."

"But like keep it on the low. I know you're into the band but no one knows and I don't plan on telling people till maybe after I give birth. I feel good about this one Sarah." I smiled.

We walked to Parker who was patiently waiting in line. I got to his level and introduced myself to him. The boys looked at me but didn't say anything. "This is my new friend Parker." I smiled.

He tapped on my shoulder and signed to me. 'I like his tattoos.' He smiled.

"He likes your tattoos Rian." I sat on the ground so I could be to his level. 'What ones?" I smiled. Parker grab Rians arm and looked at his blink bunny. He grunted as he pointed at it. 'He has the same tattoo too' I smiled pointing to Jack. Jack rolled his sleeve up and smiled. Parker jumped on excitement and hugged Rian. I got out the way as they got their picture together. "Thank you Jones, you're such a sweet heart." Sarah smiled. "It's nice bumping into you after these years." I smiled. Parker gave me a hug making me fall backwards. Alex thankfully caught me before I hit the ground. I waved bye as they walked away. "Who was She?" Jack asked. "I'll explain later. Not in front of all these people. I said quietly.


I found myself laying on the bus couch with Jack as he told me only sweet things in my ears. I got to meet Ashley and she was extremely nice to me and we got to bond over photography. Jacks hand rested on my stomach as he gently rubbed circles around my belly button. I grabbed his hand intertwining our fingers together. "So Who was that woman at the hospital Jones?" Alex asked.

"That was my Ex girlfriend. The one I left to hook up with a teacher, apparently she has a husband now so she's a little straight." I smiled. "Really sweet girl, her son is def and has some serious breathing problems and she said she didn't know sign language and I took like 3 years of classes when I was younger and I just attempted to remember. He had some easy things to say so that was nice for me."

"Anything else you do we don't know about." Zack laughed.

"I speak 3 other different languages besides English and German." I smiled.

"Do you just have free time?" Rian laughed.

English, German, Spanish, French, and very little Latin. I tried learning Arabic when I was taken college classes in 10th but it was extremely complicated for me." I smiled.

"That's amazing." Zack smiled.

"Telling you now our kid is going to know fluent German so we can talk shit about people and they won't know." I laughed.

Jack kissed my neck and smiled against my skin. "I love you Babygirl." Jack said.
Jack's hand laid on my bump and gently rubbed my stomach. "More than anything else in this world."
Zack placed a blanket over us and put some music on. "Thanks Zack." I smiled.


I slept for about 4 hours till Jack Woke me. Jack gave me his baggy Sweatshirt to wear as we walked to the front of the venue. "I'm hungry." I Said.

"I'm sure there's food inside." Jack said picking me up gently. Jack kissed my head

I felt nothing but love and affection. I surround myself with good people and I was extremely grateful for the people around me. Never in my life I would have thought I would have gotten drunk and fell in love, have a kid with the man I called mine. Jack was my first and last drunk love.


:) v/happy how this book has turned out. Few more chapters, love 💖

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