"OKAY LETS PLAY!" I shout. 

Calum rolls the dice and lands on a light blue property. He buys it and it's Luke turn. He lands on the one after Calum's property and takes a chance. "GO TO JAIL!" It says. "AWW WHAT ALREADY?! UNFAIR!" He shouts. We all laugh and it's my turn. I have to pay Calum for the property and it's the rest of the boys turn. 

"NO I'M NOT PAYING YOU!" Niall shouts at Ashton.

"BUT YOU HAVE TO! IT"S THE RULES!" He shouts back. 

"BUT IF I DO I WILL BE ALMOST BANKRUPT!" Niall says. I feel bad for him but it's his fault for buying heaps of house and hotels. 

He eventually pays it and he is almost bankrupt. If he lands on one more property that's not his he is out. 

It's all our turns again and then Niall's. He rolls a 5 and lands on my property with a hotel.

"HAHAHA NIALL!" I laugh.

He goes bankrupt to me and I get everything he owns. Yay! 

We keep playing and Louis goes out next, then Ashton, Luke, Michael, Harry, Liam, Calum, Zayn then it's down to me, Harry and Louis. 

Harry lands on my property, the most valuable one on the board and he gives me everything. It's down to me and Louis. The boys are cheering me on and Louis rolls the dice giving them an evil look.

Louis lands on my property having to pay 50 million to moi. The master of monopoly.

"YAY! GO LUCY! YOU ARE AWESOME!" They all cheer. 


It's now 1 in the morning and I am actually really tired. It has been a great night. One of the best. 

"I JUST HAD AN IDEA GUYS OMG OMG OMG!" Louis shouts jumping up and down like a little kid.


I smile at him and look round the room. Everyone else has smiles on their face and Michael shouts "LETS DO IT!" 

We run out of the room grab our matresses and put them in the room. I had to ask for help because I am only 11 and can't exactly carry a queen matress across the house. I get some blankets, sheets  and chairs. Everyone else helps and we make the coolest tent ever. We get fairy lights plug them in and put them round the tent and it brightens it up. We hang glow sticks round it. We then get blankets and make our beds and we all sit inside the tent. The tent is in the shape of a circle so we can all see each other. 

"Well what are we going to do now?" Harry says smiling. 

"Let's tell ghost stories!" Louis yells. Ghost stories aren't really my fave.  

"Okay!" Everyone says.

Louis grins and starts.

"Imagine sitting on the chair at home just watching some mindless television. You here a knock at the door so you go answer it. No one is there so you back to doing what you were doing. You hear hissing sounds and look round. Nothing. You hear another knock at the door and this time there is a note on the welcome mat. 'Walk 10 steps, turn 90 degrees, walk another 50 and stop.' You look round scared but follow the note. You get to the 'destination' look round and there is a note hanging on the wall. You grab it and read 'Go up the stairs and to the bathroom' Who is this?"

I dont like where this is going.. I look round and the others are shaking and Louis is smiling and goes back to an intense look.

"You are really scared right now but you do as told. You get to the bathroom and read the next note. You hear some screeching noise and follow the noise not worrying about the note. It is now pitch black and lights are flickering. You hear the screeching noise again and a gust of wind brushes past you and knocks you over. You look up at the roof and see.. written in blood.. 'I just stabbed your cat and you're next' You turn round and see your cat hanging upside down from the room and scream the loudest scream. Suddenly... Your vision goes black."

I scream. I'm so scared right now. I don't think I can sleep tonight. The boys are shaking but they don't look as scared. I snuggle into Liam and he says "It's okay. It's not true."

It goes quite for a bit and we hear a knock at the front door. It''s quite loud and it won't stop knocking. 

I snuggle into Liam and Harry goes to answer it. I hear a scream and I panic. The boys except Liam who is trying to comfort me run to the front door and see what has happened. It all goes quiet and my breathing goes crazy. "Liam? Is everything okay out there?" He looks at me and says "I really hope so Lucy." 

I can't breathe. Liam tells me to take a deep breathe in.. and out.. I try but it doesn't work. Liam keeps telling me to slow my breathing but it doesn't work and I black out.. 

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