Chapter 2

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“Hello love! I’m Niall!” I hear Niall say. But of course I already know that because I am a fan. A huge one at that. Ms Dick walked over to me and said “Lucy, these boys would like to interview you before they adopt you.” She took us all in a private room and we all sat down. Ms Dick whispered in my ear “Don’t mess this up or there will be serious consequences.” I flinched and she walked away smiling at the boys. 

“She’s a bit mean isn’t she?” I’m guessing Louis heard what she said. I wouldn't be surprised if they all did. After all, she always fails at whispering.

“Yeah.” I say just brushing it off. “I’m used to it.”

“So. Sweetie. What’s your full name?” Harry asks.

Oh god. Umm what do I say? I only no my first name.

“Lucy umm something something?”

They all look at each other with a concerned look on there face.

“You don’t know your full name?” Harry says worriedly.

Tearing up I say “No, my mummy and daddy never told me.” 

They look at each other again. I knew they were all thinking the same thing but what I was wanting to know, what were they thinking? Were they planning when they were gonna start abusing me? I have know idea. 


“Mummy, can you make me some food I’m hungry.” I say nervously. I never ask for something because I know the consequences. She looks at daddy with a knowingly look on her face saying go for it. He walks over slowly with a smirk on his evil face. His eyes huge. His breathe smells like Alcohol and tobacco. I knew I would regret that.


“You really think I’m going to listen to you? After everything you have caused us!?” 

I scream in fear and in pain. Why did Daddy have to do this to me? I think, as he whacks me with a rope a few thousand times so that I bled.



“LUCY, LUCY ARE YOU OKAY?” I hear the boys asking me. Tears streaming down my face, I’m curled up in ball and the boys are asking if I’m okay? What do they expect me to say?

"Yeah.. I guess." 

 "We can talk about it later if you like." Louis says caringly.

 He sounds so caring. But for some reason, I still can't trust them. They are my idols but.. I don't know. Maybe after being adopted many times, trusting them and being abused a week later I guess it’s fair enough. It will take me a while to fully trust them.

Adopted by One Direction (One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer Fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu