21 ~ Chemistry in Chemistry

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Back at school, Zailey anxiously sat in her chemistry class, somewhat self conscious about the back of her head. Did I remember to brush my hair today? It doesn't look that oily... Does it? Ugh, is Connor's seat close enough to smell it? I didn't wash it this morning.

    Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, a student freezing at the sight of the person on the other side. As he walked through the door and entered the room, the sight of him had almost every girl in the class swooning. A good half of the male students admired him as much as the girls did, while another half rolled their eyes out of irritation.

Connor was part of the latter half.

    "Hello there, Gavin," Mrs. Robles greeted him.

    "Can I take a test here?" He asked.

    "Sure, whose class are you coming from?"

    "Mr. Presa."

    "Oh! I wish you luck! His tests can be quite tough," she said. "You can take sit in that empty seat, next to Connor."

    Gavin and Connor gave each other glances of acknowledgement, while Zailey slightly turned back, curious to see them.

    "Oh. Em. Gee. Connor and Gavin sharing a desk! This is a dream come true!!" A girl whispered behind them.

    "We have to take a picture!" Another girl whispered, "It isn't everyday we see so much perfection in one room!"

    Zailey heard these comments and had trouble containing her chuckle, she looked back at Gavin and Connor awkwardly sitting next to each other. She had to admit, it was a pretty interesting sight.

    As she looked back, she caught Gavin's gaze, "Good luck!" She whispered, holding both thumbs up.

    Connor tried his best to put on a straight face, as he sat in frustration. On the other hand, Gavin smiled back at her, before confidently taking his pen in his hands to start his test.

From the corner of his eyes, Connor watched as Gavin scribbled on his test paper. What ugly handwriting.

    Half an hour later, Gavin finished his test and turned it over. The rest of the class was preparing for a lab.

    "You're not going back to Presa's?" Connor asked.

    "Nah. He gave me the whole period. I'd rather stay here," he stretched his arms. "I did this lab during 2nd period, I can help you out if you want."

    "Gavin, are you done with your test?" Mrs. Robles walked over to them. "You should go back."

    "Mary's absent today," Connor said.

    "I'll be Connor's partner!" A girl from the back of the class shouted.

    "No, you're my partner," another student reminded her.

           "Then I'll do it!"

"I wanna do it, too!"

"Too bad, I already called it first."

"Since when? No one heard you."

"In my head!"

Zailey rolled her eyes, "What are you guys saying? You all have partners already! Connor, you might as well just join our group."

Destiny looked at her, "Zai, have you joined his fanclub?!"

    "W-What?! I'm trying to be nice!"

He has a fan club?! She thought to herself.

"Everyone, quiet down please!" Mrs. Robles shouted. "And Gavin, please go back to class."

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