Chapter 8

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Before we get to the story, here is a warning... There is no warning!! enjoy the story!!


I started crying, looking for him.i went to jump down but was caught by someone. I struggled against the person. "No! Let me go! Let me go! He can't  be dead...he can't" i stopped struggling, falling to the ground crying.

I looked down at the arm that was holding me. It was a human arm, and I didn't want to see another human right now. I pushed Layla's arm away from me, standing up. "Stay away from me!" I ran past her, going towards blue eyes, who was calming Cornelia down. She was a crying wreck.

Tears streaming down her face as she grieved for her husband. Milo was clutching to his mother, wondering what happened, why was his mother crying, and where was his father. Blue eyes was trying to stay strong for his mother and brother. I walked past them, going down to the village.

Everyone was sad, as they grieved for the lost of their king. I went to the edge of the village, looking in the woods. I looked around me, making sure that no one was paying attention, before walking in the woods.

I stepped over roots and under trees, looking around. 'Someone shot that gun...and whoever it was, wasn't aiming for Caesar,  but for me' I thought, looking around. I came to a stop at a bunch of fallen trees by the river.

I walked down towards the river, looking at the waves. I looked at the reflection. It wasn't me that was looking back, it was a person that had tear stain cheeks and blood-red eyes from crying so much. A rustle got my attention. I looked up, looking around the river bank.

"Hello..?" I called out. I got no response. I turned around, walking back to the village. A roar sounded from behind me, making me turn around fast to see a mountain lion. I looked at the lion in fear, backing up slowly. It inches closer, its fangs and teeth showing.

I slowly started backing away, never looking away from it. "N-Nice l-lion...." I said, not taking my eyes off of it. It pounced at me, making me scream and run away from it. I ran as fast as I could, jumping over tree roots and under hanging branches. I never realized that I was running away from my home...or running towards a group of people.

I screamed when a arm wrapped around my waist, lifting me up. "No! Let me go!!" I yelled, kicking my feet and waving my arms, hitting the person that was holding me in the face. "Ow! I'm trying to help you, you little brat!" A males voice yelled. The mountain lion roared, jumping in front of them.

The group pulled out guns, pointing the gun at the lion, who growled at them, its eyes never leaving mine. A loud bang was heard and before I could stop them, the mountain lion dropped dead, a hole in its head that was bloody. I kicked the man that was holding me in the stomach, making me fall to the ground with a thud. "Ow you little piece of..."

" Why did you kill it!!" I yelled at the man with the gun, cutting off the other man. "I was trying to help you, you little brat! The least you can do is say thank you!" He yelled at me. "I didn't need any help, if you would have let me go, she would have followed me!" I yelled back at him. "Why you..." he raised his hand, bringing it down to slap me in my face. I cried out, holding my cheek.

"You should learn you place, you little piece crap" he said, picking me up by my hair. I cried, looking at him with tear filled eyes. "That's enough" a man said, coming from the tree line.

The man looked at him, before dropping me to the ground

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The man looked at him, before dropping me to the ground. I groaned, holding my stinging cheek, looking at the man in front of me. He kneeled down, looking at me. "That's not a nice way to say thank you to someone who saved you" he said. "I didn't need him to save me...i was perfectly fine, she wasn't going to hurt me" I said, looking away from him.

He grabbed my face, making me look at him. "And how do you know that?" "She was my friend, we always play chase together until you killed I can't play with her anymore..." I said, looking at his face. His eyes lighten up some when a idea came to his head.

"Because he saved your owe us" he said. I Looked at him in shocked. "He didn't save me! He just killed my friend" I yelled at him. "That doesn't matter, how old are you?" He asked. I looked at him with anger in my eyes "I'm seven years old.." I said.

He thinks for a minute. "In a year from are to come to me and serve me for as long as I say" he said. I looked at him, scared. "I-I can't, I have a family that cares for me!" I yelled at him, tears starting to form in my eyes. "Well, just disappear" he said, waving his hands in a weird motion. "If you don' remember that ape I shot in front of you?" He asked smirking while the guys behind chuckled.

My eyes widen, tears rolling down my face. "Y-you d-did shot him!" I yelled, launching for him. A arm wrapping around my waist stopped me from clawing at his face, as I struggled and screamed. "You shot him! You shot my brother! Your the reason everyone is grieving back at home!" I yelled, crying. "If you don't come, you can kiss you family goodbye" he whispered in my face smirking.

"I-I'll come...just don't hurt them...please..." I cried. He nodded, motioning for the man to put me down. He dropped me on the ground. "See you in a year" he said, walking away.

I watched him go, making sure he was far away before breaking down, screaming and crying for the lost of my brother and my friend. I don't know how long I stayed there, curled up in a ball. When I realized it was getting dark, I got up, wiping my cheek, jumping slightly from the sting I got.

I pulled my hand away, seeing blood on the palm of my hand. "Just great...he was wearing a ring..." I mumbled, getting up shakily. I started walking towards the village, holding my cheek lightly, trying to stop the bleeding a little. I walked a little faster when I saw the fire torches. A familiar roar was heard when I got closer to the gate, stumbling a bit.

I fell to the ground, catching myself with my hands. Worried hoots were heard when I looked up. Cornelia was coming from the gate, running as fast as she could to get to me. I opened my arms, trying not to cry when she embraced me in her arms, hugging me tightly.

"I-I'm s-sorry" I cried, burying my head in her shoulder. Her hand started stroking my hair, her own silent way of saying that it was alright. We pulled apart, her hands on my face. Her thumb ran across the cut on my face, making me jump slightly. She looked at the cut in worried.

"I'm okay..." I said. She helped me up, walking to the gate. Luca, blue eyes, rocket and ash started coming towards us as soon as we made it though the gate. I ran towards blue eyes, hugging him tightly. He hugged back.

'Are you alright? You disappeared...we thought..." he trailed off, looking down. 'I'm ok...I had to think for a while...d-did you find his body...?' I asked, looking down. He tapped my shoulder, pointing to the stairway of the home tree. I followed his arm, seeing Ellie and Layla working on something.

I started walking towards them, looking back at blue eyes and Cornelia, who nodded in encouragement, before walking closer. Malcolm and Alex looked behind them when they heard footsteps, before stepping aside, revealing Layla and Ellie working on, on someone. My heart started beating faster in my chest. A hand touched Layla shoulder, gently pushing her aside so I could see who it was. My breathing stopped for a minute, tears started to form as I looked at the person I thought was dead. In a whisper, I said...


And that's chapter 8! I hope you guys liked it. Thank you so so very much to those who add this story to their reading list, commented and voted for this story, thank you for the support! I'm sorry this took so long to get out...but see you soon for chapter 9! See ya!

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