chapter 1

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'' Daddy please don't go daddy'' I said holding his hand. ever since the simian flu started, he has been getting weaker and weaker everyday. it wasn't until this morning that he started coughing up blood. '' I'm sorry Anna, daddy is to weak to even stand, I-I have to go sooner then I thought. '' he said, stopping to cough. tears welled up in my eyes as more blood got on the already bloody bedsheets. '' daddy you cant go, if you go then I will be alone and the city is going to kill people who's had contact with the infected . please daddy don't go. '' I cried , the tears that I tried to hold in finally come out and down my face. '' your not going to be alone anna'' he said, taking a pause to breath. '' do you remember the story I told you, the one when I adopted the ape. '' I nodded '' you said he died because the government said he was a endangerment to the town. '' I said. he smiled sadly, '' I lied Anna, I'm sorry I had to lie so you wouldn't tell anyone, he's alive and well Anna, your big brother is alive. '' he said . my eyes widen at that, my big ape brother, Caesar is alive and well. '' even if he is alive where do i find him, and even if i do find him, how do i tell him that i'm your daughter, and that he is my brother. '' I asked, having doubts that he will even except me in his life. he chuckled before saying '' Anna, you might not remember, but I wont ever forget how you and him bonded the day I brought you home from the hospital. he was so excited to see you, he even gave you a little nickname that only he could call you by. '' he said, his breathing getting slower then before. '' he used to call you ' his little monkey,'' he said, '' daddy, how am I supposed to talk to him if and when I find him. '' I asked. '' do you remember the sign language I taught you. '' he asked. I nodded my head, holding his hand tighter then before, with tears running down face. '' that's how you communicate with him'' he said. he suddenly pulled me toward him into a hug. '' Annabella I want you to know that I love you so much and that I'm sorry that I didn't tell you this sooner '' he said. '' tell me what papa'' I asked, hugging back tightly. '' your adopted Anna, your real mother died having you and your father was in no condition to take care of a child, so he gave you up for adoption, where I gave you the best life I could give you'' he said, hugging me tighter then ever. this made me cry harder. '' I-I don't care if I'm adopted or not, you are the best father I could ever have and I don't want to lost you like how we lost grandpa and auntie, so you have to stay daddy for me, I cant lose you too'' I sobbed, clenching his bloodstain shirt in my small hands. '' I'm s-sorry Anna, I love you'' he said , taking his last breath, leaving me behind. '' daddy, no please daddy please, I need you to wake up, please I need you daddy please, daddy please, ill be good daddy please don't leave me'' I sobbed loudly, still clenching his shirt.


Its been a year since everything started. i turned seven a few days ago. After dad died, I was force to leave. after burying his body in the back yard of the house I started walking the mile or so to the red woods to find my long lost brother. ' where are you Caesar, I really need someone ' I thought, looking at a picture that was taken when I was a small toddler. dad and auntie coralline with grandpa was behind us, while Caesar was sitting in a chair with two year old me in his lap. we all had smiles on our faces, but me and Caesar had the biggest smile of all. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I look at the picture. I looked around the forest. everything looks creepy, and its too quiet to be a forest. my head snapped to the right of me, hearing a branch snap. my eyes widen as I see wild elks stampede towards me. I screamed as I got my stuff and ran the other way. I panted as I tried running away from the herd, but I only get ran into by other elks. I slid to a fallen tree, where I hid from the rest of the herd. I let out sign of relief when the herd passed. I jumped when I heard a big roar and a monkey cry. I looked over the fallen tree to see two apes. the older looking one was standing in front of a injured one. getting up from where I was hiding, I grabbed a pine cone and throw it at the bear. '' hey over here'' I screamed, getting the bears attention from the apes and to me. '' haven't you ever had a human child before, come and get me if you want me. ''

I started running away from the bear as he started chasing me. I winched in pain as sharp twigs scratched my bare arms, drawing blood. I screamed when I tripped on a root and land on my back. the bear caught up with me, and is now standing over me. the bear raised a paw, ready to end my life. I closed my eyes, waiting for my life to end, but it never came. I opened my eyes just in time to see the bear drop to the ground, with a spear in its back. i panted as i looked at the dead bear. i screamed as i heard a thump from in front of me.

I looked at the ape that landed in front of me. the ape in front of me had scars all over his body. one of his eyes was green, while the other was closed shut with a scar over it. his whole body was covered head to toe with scars. I whimper in fear and pain. when I heard more thumps from behind him. looking around him, I see more apes jumping from the trees. one of the apes comes from behind him, and starts signing to him. ' Koba, stand down ' he signed. the scared ape huffed before leaving.

After Koba left, the ape turned to me. I had to stop from gasping when I saw his eyes. they was a bright green, just like Caesar's in the picture. '' c-can you understand me'' I asked him slowly standing up. '' who... are you'' he asked. I smiled slightly. ''My name is Annabella and I been looking for someone, who's like you. can I show you a picture, its in my book bag. '' I asked. I waited for him to nod his head before taking off my bag and taking the picture out. '' this is my family. '' I said. '' that's my grandpa Charles, my auntie Caroline, and my daddy...'' I didn't get to finish because he said it himself. '' Will and Caesar's little sister. '' he said, pointing to dad then to me in Caesar lap. '' yea that's...'' I paused when I heard what he said. '' w-what did you say'' i stuttered. he looked at the picture again but this time said their names. '' will's father Charlie's " he points at grandpa. '' will's girlfriend, Caroline. '' he points at auntie. '' will, Caesar's adopter father. '' he points at baby me. '' Annabella, little human sister. '' then he points at himself. '' Caesar '' he said.

it was silence for a moment. 'I found him, I found my big brother. ' I thought. I sobbed, falling to the ground holding my stomach. Caesar knelled down, putting his hand on my back, hooting in concern. '' Caesar!!!'' I cried, launching at him, wrapping my little arms around his neck. I started crying in his shoulder. I think I shocked him for a minute, but after a while he hugged back.

after a minute or two, I pulled away, whipping away any stray tears. ' can you sign ' he signed. I nodded. 'I learned from the best ' I sighed back, smiling. ' then follow me' he signed back, shaking his head amused. I nodded, before grabbing my bag, putting it on then running to catch up with Caesar. I skipped beside Caesar, giggling every once and a while. when he stopped, I looked around. I gasped, dropping my book bag. in the trees was a bunch of apes, all different species. gorillas, chimps, and orangutan's. a chimp with fresh wounds and blue eyes came forward, hooting excitedly. Caesar opened his arms wide for the chimp to come crashing into him. they put their foreheads together for a second before hugging some more. I just stand behind them, keeping quiet. well trying to, I started coughing, catching the attention of everyone around me.

' Bella ok' Caesar signed, putting his hand on my back. I nodded. '' I'm fine'' I said. I looked at the chimp in front of me. '' who is this .'' I asked. '' my son, blue eyes. '' he said. ' father we need to get going, group already took food back home' blue eyes signed. Caesar nodded before going to a horse that had no rider and climbed on. once he was seated on the horse, he came to where I was sitting down by a tree. reaching down, he offered a hand to me, which I looked at confused. '' Ride. Home. With. Me'' he said. I smiled, putting my book bag on my back before grabbing onto his much bigger hand. he pulled me up like I weighed nothing, putting me in front of him while he wrapped his arms around me, making a barrier so I wont fall. he tugged at reins, making the horse walk deeper into the forest, with the ones in the trees and on horse back follow.


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