"Some of my family were kidnapped and others killed. So, I set out to track her down. I was finally able to do that last year with the help of your son."

Michael, I had finally remembered his name, lifted his eyebrows. "You're that Kailyn? Kailyn Gracchus?"

"I am but now I'm called Kailyn Ortivo; I remember you when you were so tiny. Crawling all over the picnic blanket with your little toys."

"Well, that's not awkward," muttered Craig sarcastically.

"You'll get used to it," I poked him in the side.

"Where did you go? My father waited for you until the day he died!" His eyes drooped as he looked down while swallowing.

"My hibernation became longer, to the point I could barely control it. I was sleeping fifty to seventy years away in a matter of seconds." I couldn't look him in the face; even if it was the truth, it was an excuse.

"So you just ran away?" spat the woman. "You could've killed that witch years ago. But, no, you just had to run and sign everyone's death warrants." Craig growled lowly as I held back some tears.

"As unfamiliar as that phrase is, I do understand the gist. Let me ask you, she only killed one of your family member, so why are you hidden in a hut? Why didn't you go search for her? Isn't this called running away?"

"How dare you! I've been grieving the death of my daughter. Yo-"

"And, I've been grieving the death of my mother, father, brother--who died last year, god-mother, god-father, god-brother, my friends--who died along the way, 250 pack members." I pronounced each syllable with a thick tongue. "Do you want me to go on? There's still more."

She shook her head that was turned downward.

I went on with my message. "Hibernating is an essential part of an Immortal because it allows the mental, physical, and spiritual parts of our body to recharge. We have to live through immense changes in our lives including the amount of loved ones that pass. Everyday, I regret not coming out sooner but I can't let that stop me."

A searing white raged passed through me. Before I could even think, I was standing. "And yet you have the audacity-mmmm." A hand was placed over my mouth.

"Calm down there fireball," soothed my mate. "Tayla's taking over." what?

Sitting back down, I rolled my neck back and forth. Craig's parent's mouths thinned. Actually, I didn't even notice them back up against the far wall. Tayla's eye color must've come out.

I'm sorry Kailyn.... I-I just couldn't......

It's okay. Not how I wanted today to go but it'll do.

"Mom, dad, Kailyn is my legitimate mate."

"But... but Immortals don't mate with regular werewolves!" His mother protested; there was almost a whine to her voice.

Is she still trying to get in between us?

"I didn't even know she was an Immortal when I met her, and that's when I felt the pull. Whether you believe or not, we have the pull, mom. We couldn't have met if it wasn't for that."

A frown deepend the wrinkles on her face. "Take them outside, I'm going to make dinner." Her back turned on us as she grabbed boxes from the cabinet.

Michael lead us outside. His hair was already gray; those eyes of his needed glasses; his wrinkles were symmetrical with his wife's; plus, a limp affected his gait.

In the backyard, a table laid on all fours, surrounded by flowers. We sat down without a word.

"I apologize," Michael sighed, "about my wife. She hasn't been the same since the death of Heather. That's why we had to leave, she went feral. She attacked everyone but me." He paused only for a moment. "How did you two meet?"

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