Chapter 13

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"Hey! Is that what you call a punch?" Ryan teased. We were in the training yard with the rest of the warrior wolves. Brandon was just a bit aways from Adam. Then, there was Craig who never missed watching my training session. "What have you been doing? Sleeping your life away?"

Why that little slimy snake!

Kill him.

My fist slammed into his cheek. He went down. I grabbed the back of his shirt and swung. A loud crash stopped all activity in the yard. I threw him into the tree across the practice area effectively breaking it. Before I could celebrate, wind flew past my face and I couldn't orientate myself. Pain spread across my back then I flipped from the force. The sky passed my view. Another tree which I slammed into with my shoulder. After my momentum stopped, I surveyed what happened.

Ryan must have gone so fast that I hadn't seen him; I had flown through a tree and severely cracked the one I leaned against. Craig and the others looked stupefied as I felt a determination flame. A maniac laugh erupted from me. This was what I've been waiting for!!

Craig's POV

They thundered down upon each other in a sense. She bashed him in the jaw then went for a kick. With a flash, Ryan grabbed her ankle, throwing her away. The warriors didn't even have time to process when she rammed into them. Kailyn jumped off of them in a flash. This magnificent smile across her face.

Why couldn't I be the one to make her smile like that? Why am I the weak mate? It was my duty to protect her yet she would beat the crap out of me in seconds.

Ryan slammed her down to the ground again.

How dare he beat on her.

Clenching my jaw and fists, Nitro and I fumed. Why couldn't we be stronger? Why couldn't I help train her? I have no right to be called a male, let alone an Alpha and mate.

We need to become an Immortal to protect her. She's our female, our right to aid in every way. It's our time to work our tails off. Get off your ass and think of a date. She's got to be exhausting herself; it's our duty to, also, watch out for her health.

I know a great plan. Let's get it ready.

Leaving the training ground in a rush, I went to prepare. I mindlinked Adam about everything. He kept me updated on what Kailyn was up to. Plus, answered any stupid questions I apparently was great at coming up with. Tomorrow, Ryan's mate would come over for some bonding. The Immortal wouldn't shut up about her need of Immortal presence.

'Are you finished? Ryan just left for the day,' Adam warned.

'Send her to the border; I'll be right there.' I rushed to the meeting spot, heart thumping with excitement.

There she waited for me in a new pair of decorated shorts. She wore a plain t-shirt while her hair fell down in wisps. Her curious gaze met my smile. I could feel the air hit my teeth it was so wide.

"Go ahead and shift; it'll be faster. I promise." I gulped down some air. It was getting hard to breathe. This had to work. I craved a romantic moment with her. To run my hand through her hair and feel those soft lips on mine.

Her wolf snipped at my tail then dashed through the trees. Oh no she wasn't. We chased each other back and forth until I lead her to the cliff spot. It was in the Illuminating Moon pack's old territory.

There on the ground, I laid a picnic out across the land. Both of us had egg sandwiches and a chip bag. Our shift only took a minute as she raced to the food in her clothes. Her whole exterior brimmed with excitement. Now all I had to do was find something to talk about.

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