Chapter 11

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Kailyn's POV

My eyes locked onto Craig's grey ones. His jawline was set in determination making me a little apprehensive. What was he going to do?

"I need to speak with you about something," his voice was only but a whisper to the ear.

Following him out into the woods, watching the trees darken the surrounding area, we stopped in a tiny clearing. I hope this wasn't bad. Did he figure out that I had to make him into an Immortal and didn't want to be with me anymore? Or did he think that this investigation was overrated and wanted to stop?

He stepped closer to me as we felt the wind carry our hair across our faces. The trees made a little clearing like a snuggling blanket. The look on his face had me squirming in my spot. I'm certain that he could tell what I was feeling.

This was something that I had a hard time dealing with; I knew that he was feeling frustrated with my lack of physical contact. He was part wolf that was in love. Of course, he wanted to get a little physical.

In that aspect, I guess I should be frustrated as well. But, I was afraid, terrified of what might happen. Craig and Nitro were the only people who I had a connection with at this moment. I couldn't lose the people I loved anymore. I couldn't, I can't.

Tayla was getting a little hesitant as well. It's not normal for a wolf to be hesitant to mate with their partner but I guess we weren't anywhere near normal. We also didn't want to get close to anyone as they could be killed.

"You mentioned to me that one way to get your feelings across was by singing," Craig's voice came out as soft, almost like a cloud. His eyes were like melted butter as his smile glowed with passion. His eyes bored into mine. "I decided to try it out like you do. Every time you do, people understand the meaning behind it. Please listen to what I have to say through Demons by Imagine Dragons.

When the days are cold and the cards all fold; and, the saints we see are all made of gold." He took a tiny step then touched a tree. Step. Step. Step. Closer he came. "I wanna hide the truth. I wanna shelter you. But, with the beast inside there's nowhere we can hide. No matter what we breed we still are made of greed. This is my kingdom come; this is my kingdom come."

Crossing my arms tightly around myself, I glanced away from him. "When you feel my heat, look into my eyes." Craig took me by the chin so I would keep my gaze on his face. "It's where my demons hide; it's where my demons hide. Don't get too close. It's dark inside. It's where my demons hide; it's where my demons hide."

For a bit, I wasn't able to hear his voice make all those bravados and crescendos. The look in his eyes stilled my erratic heart beat. He was really suffering underneath all that muscle. A dull ache in my chest throbbed to the point I needed to ease his pain.

"They say it's what you make; I say it's up to fate. It's woven in my soul. I need to let you go." At those words, his heat left my body as he took multiple steps back. I didn't want him to let me go. "Your eyes, they shine so bright, I wanna save that light. I can't escape this now unless you show me how. When you feel my heat, look into my eyes. It's where my demons hide; it's where my demons hide. Don't get too close. It's dark inside. It's where my demons hide; it's where my demons hide.

I can't escape this love for you. I need you to show me how to love you without hurting you. My demons hide in my love for you. How do I get rid of my sexual frustrations without causing you harm? I love you; I want to touch you, feel you in my arms. Surround you with my body to make sure that you won't be stolen from me. Please Kailyn, help me." He had that puppy dog look as he shuffled closer to me. In front of me wasn't the Alpha, he wasn't a leader, he was my mate. My mate that needed my help before he lost control.

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