Chapter 3

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Natalie's POV

"I have a girlfriend."

I didn't expect that. I didn't expect that at all. I didn't think anyone had.

I turned to Kate only to see her running out of the classroom. I knew she had a crush on him but she never made it so obvious before. I just hoped that nobody would guess why all of a sudden a girl ran out of the classroom. I looked over to Camille and she was as confused as I was. But that was nothing new that she didn't know what was happening though. However I didn't feel any better because of that. I sighed loudly and took Camille by the hand and went out to look for Kate. We worriedly explored corridors as if we had been looking for a way out of a labyrinth.

Then I was sure something must have happened between them but I had no idea what. But I could tell she hadn't know about he so called girlfriend but I thought that she might have overreacted.

"What is going on?" Camille asked me stopping me from walking any father. I looked at her and shook my shoulders.

"I would love to know that, too," I answered leaning against the wall. A deep sigh left my mouth as my fingers ran through my hair.

"Since when Changbin has a girlfriend? I didn't know about that..."

"I didn't know either, Camille. But he might just have said that so Hwasa would leave him alone. Let's think clearly...Kate shouldn't have rushed to a conclusion like that. We should teach her how not to overreact," I explained. "Let's go find her. I don't know what is going on inside her head now. We should find her before she do something stupid," I added gaining a nod of agreement from Camille.

"Yes! And then we will beat Changbin's a*s!" Camille screamed and I facepalmed myself. My whole statement was just a waste of time and I regretted telling it anyway. I just hoped Kate would be more peaceful because I wasn't sure if I would be able to keep them in.

Finally after few minutes of searching I finally spotted her next to her locker.

But she wasn't alone.

Kate's POV

"I have a girlfriend."

I couldn't believe my ears.

He has a girlfriend? If that's the case, why he kissed me yesterday?

I took my things and run out of the classroom not caring abut anything. I didn't even know where I was going. I didn't think about anything. My mind was occupied with the feeling of betrayal and anger. Nothing else mattered for me back then. I wasn't thinking clearly and I just assumed something that might not have been as I thought.

I knew we weren't together or something but it still hurt me. He hadn't promised me anything nor said anything in the first place. I should have known something like that would happen. I felt angry, sad and stupid. I hysterically laughed to myself.

Just don't cry you idiot. He's not the only one in this world. Besides you barely know him.

But I wasn't hurt because he had a girlfriend. I was hurt because he had used me like that. Because I had let him use me.

I was so lost in my negative thoughts and all of a sudden I found myself in front of my locker. I reached my hand to open it but someone stopped me.

''Why did you run?" he asked me holding my hand so I wouldn't escaped from him. Talking was the last thing I wanted to do. Making a scene in school wasn't on my to do list either.

''Go to your girlfriend," I replied harshly not looking at him. A sad smiled appeared on my face. I sounded like an immature twelve years old indeed but I didn't care. I was just so angry at him and myself that I wasn't thinking about the choice of vocabulary.

"Secrets" - Changbin FF (sk+ip ff) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora