Chapter 2

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Kate's POV

My alarm did his job and woke me up.

I just love mornings *cough sarcasm cough*

I groaned, got up from the bed and made my way to the bathroom. I splashed cold water on my face so my brain would start working faster and looked into the mirror. I was staring at my blank reflection. My medium blond hair was messy and I had bags under my blue eyes. In other words it was the usual morning look I just got used to.

Suddenly I remembered what had happened the previous night.


We were practically making out when..

''I'm back!" yelled my brother and I immediately moved away from Changbin breaking the kiss. I looked at him and he was as terrified as I was. At least that is what I thought because it was too dark to see anything since the TV turned off automatically.

However it was the time I realised what I had done. Actually what my crush had done because if I remembered it well he was the one who kissed first. I felt like my whole world had turned upside down and back then I didn't now it was just a beginning.

At that moment my brother came into the living room. "Whoa, why it's so dark here?" he asked and switched on the light while I squeezed my eyes because of the sudden brightness.

I got myself together and looked at him with a smile trying to act as normal as I was able to even thought acting natural when it was needed wasn't my strong skill either.

''We were watching the movie," I said trying to sound like nothing happened, it seemed he bought it because he just nodded his head. But it was hard to say since he had always been quite a good actor. I couldn't count the times he tricked me because of his annoying talent. ''And how was your date?" I asked trying to change the topic somehow.

Jisung seemed a bit taken aback by my question as if he had totally forgotten where he had been. It made me think that he actually did on purpose. He looked at Changbin as though the answer had been written on his face and then back at me.

''She was pretty but was quite dumb," he said finally and chuckled with me and Changbin following after. It was the strangest answer I had ever heard in my entire life. It was so simple...too simple. But I thought that maybe I was exaggerating things.

''So my work is finished. I will go now I guess," Changbin said and got up from the couch not sparing me a glance as if I hadn't existed. Considering what had happened earlier between us I felt hurt. I didn't know if it was because he was afraid or maybe he regretted the whole situation.

''Yeah, thanks bro, be safe," replied Jisung and walked him to the door without any other words. I didn't know if it was just the way guys normally acted around each other and it was just girls who were used to talk everything out.

I tried to forget and focus on my exam but eventually I feel asleep while learning.

~End of flashback~

''How am I going to face him today?" I asked myself looking at my morning self in the mirror as if I had wanted to get an answer. To be honest I would have peed in my pants if my reflection had responded. ''Let's just run away Kate...Maybe nobody will notice..." I said instead.

''KATE BREAKFAST!" I heard my brother yelling. I jumped a bit by the sudden noise and put my hand over my heart.

''COMING!" I yelled back after the first shock had passed. Couldn't he just come up, knock softly and say quietly that the breakfast is ready? I had had a really interesting conversation with myself and Jisung just rudely interrupted without even saying sorry.

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