Chapter Twenty One

Start from the beginning

Shocked would be an understatement for her...........she would never have expected me to come across this truth so easily...........something which she had concealed for all these years..........she fell onto the couch emotionally perturbed as my heart failed to even help her out.........

Remember the day I had come to your place to pick up Avni............I had seen the portrait hanging in your probably didn't notice but I very well that picture, an infant Avni was being held by you, and that pic was taken before your marriage to Ved...........what grabbed my attention was the chain hanging around her can I forget that chain Elena?...........coz it was the only gift I had given Shona before we got separated, she couldn't wear her mangalsutra around so I had given this chain to her as a substitute for it.........and my Shona must have placed it around Pia's neck when she was mean of you Elena............Shona trusts you so much.........and this is what you give her back in return.............shame on you Elena............shame on you!!!!!!!!!

She fell down over the couch with a thud...........tears rolled down her eyes as she couldn't look straight into would she, she had traited us...........Shona has trusted her so much and all she did was cheated her............Shona gave her th responsibility of our child and she has been disguising our Pia into her Avni for all these years..........

Did Ved anytime tell you how we ended up together?

Her question was sudden and caught me off guard...........No.............I had never questioned Ved about his love story..........infact it never occurred to me that I should know the details.........I had been so engrossed in my own sorrows that I never looked around to see how other people have been fairing in their lives............

No............but I never asked him.........never felt the need of asking..........but I know he loves you so much.............I'm sure you'll must have had a love marriage.......

She let out a sobby chuckle as her eyes met mine.............they held so many unsaid emotions............was I missing out on something?............did I wrong her by accusing her straight away?

Did Sona tell you what had happened after we fled from the hospital leaving Pia behind?

Another unexpected question............she kept starring at me to gain answers and all I could do was nod hesitantly..............Shona did tell me how Elena dropped her home and went back to get Pia home............but then she returned alone and said she had kept Pia safely with her trusted person............but then what happened back at the hospital with Elena and Pia wasn't known to either me or Shona.........

Then you should know what happened exactly 3 years back............the day when all our lives changed, for bad...........the day which forced me to dive into gallons of guilt, something which I still carry, on my shoulders..........

I sat down opposite her, probing her to tell me what all had happened back then.........she should be given a chance to explain her part of the story...........every coin has two sides and one should check both the sides before giving away a verdict...............

How long will Sona take to come back...........I don't want her to hear out all this, I have killed my conscious everyday to hide the truth from her, I just cannot spill the beans to her..........

I assured her that Shona and Avni will be back only by afternoon for lunch, so we have a good 3 hours before she tells me all what she has been holding back in her heart all these years............with that she wiped off her tears and started narrating the horrific tale which led Shona to be separated from her child and forced Elena to change her identity and live a lifestyle she despised the most...........

It all began the day when Sameer spotted Sona on the road roaming around lost............she was thrown out of her house by her dad..........she collided with Ved's car while trying to escape Sameer...........that day was the most horrific day of our lives..........

To be continued.....................


A cliffhanger yet again!!!!!!!!but don't they hold your interest all the more about what's going to happen next????I guess yesss

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