This seemed to work because in the second half, Nishik managed to release his own avatar for the first time.

The heated match ended in Raimon's favor and Aphrodi congratulated them.

"Your brain is as sharp as ever, Kidou" he praised as the two rivals shook hands, "congrats to making it to the next level"

"It was a well played match" Kidou replied, "Im sure we will meet again on the field one day."


"Now that the finals are over, I feel so relieved" Kimiko wondered aloud as she, Tsurugi, Aoi, Tenma and Shinsuke walked back from school together.

"Yeah I know right" Tenma replied.

"Do you guys plan on going anywhere today?" Aoi-chan asked.

"I was thinking of going to the river bank with Tenma" Shinsuke said.

"Yeah! Shinsuke is gonna bring out his avatar, right Shinsuke?" Tenma asked.

The small boy nodded his head in excitement.

"Why don't we all go together and maybe we can give you advice about bringing out an avatar" Kimiko suggested.

"Great idea" Tenma said as he and Shinsuke ran ahead to the field.

Aoi must have gotten over the fact that Kimiko and Tsurugi were together because she spoke to them normally. At least thats what Kimiko hoped.


"The key to bringing out an avatar must be onigiri" Shinsuke proposed.

"Onigiri?" Aoi-chan questioned.

"Yeah, onigiri. Nishiki-san was able to release his avatar after he ate onigiri right?"

"Theres more to it than just onigiri," Tsurugi explained, "It's more about releasing a type of inner power or energy from you body"

"What did it feel like when you first released your avatar?"

"A SEED's avatar is often gained due to intense training and harsh punishments. It felt like a way of releasing pent up anger and frustration from all the training, so I don't think you want to go through the same training I did. There should be a different way."

"For me, it felt like a 'BAM!' and it just popped out" Tenma attempted to explain.

"I don't think thats how it works," Kimiko sighed. "It's more about concentrating your energy at one point in your body and releasing it all in one go. I think its similar to a hissatsu technique, just that it needs more patience and energy"

"You speak as if you've ever released your own avatar" Tsurugi teased.

"But thats because I have" Kimiko corrected.

"Woah what??" Tenma blurted.

"Since when?" Tsurugi asked.

"It happened a while back. It came out quite naturally. It feels like all your worries are being lifted off your chest and its just you and soccer" Kimiko painted.

"Alright! I think I sorta get it now. Let's train and awaken that avatar!" Shinsuke shouted enthusiastically.


"Your next opponent for the nationals is Genei Gakuen" Kidou-san disclosed, "their captain, Mahoro Tadashi-kun is said to have a technique that is able to break through any possible defence."

Once again, whispers spread like wildfire in the room.

"How are we supposed to stop a technique that can break through any defence?" someone asked.

"Thats what we need to figure out as we train" Kidou-san decided.

During the practice, Amagi-san wasn't really focusing and Kidou-san had asked him to leave. The rest of the team also seemed like their minds were focused on Mahoro-kun's mysterious technique that their minds weren't concentrated on the practice.

In the end, Kidou-san had to let them off early from practice to let the players cool their heads down.

"Hey Tsurugi, how is your brother doing?" Tenma suddenly asks after practice ended.

"He's getting better. He's going through rehab and I'm sure he'll be able to walk soon. I'm going to visit him today, wanna come?"

"Yeah, sure"

"I'm going too!" Kimiko called.


"Niisan, how you doing?"

"Better. The rehab is working our quite well"

"Yuuichi-san! Its so good to see you again!" Tenma shouted from a mile away. He was always the lively and loud one.

"Tenma, you've been doing a great job in your games"

"Thank you!"

"Kimiko, hows your condition?" Yuuichi-san asked.

"Much better. The doctor says I no longer have to come for weekly checkups if it keeps improving" Kimiko states.

"Good to hear. Im looking forward to seeing you in the matches"

"I hope they will let me go too"

"Kimiko, lets go outside so Tsurugi and his brother can talk" Tenma suggested.

"Yeah sure" Kimiko agreed.

She waved goodbye to Yuuichi-san before leaving the room.

Once Kimiko and Tenma were out of sight, Yuuichi-san begin interrogating his little brother.

"So, how are things between you and Kimiko?" He asked with a cheeky smile.

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