Chapter 51

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The last day of camp came with some exciting and memorable moments. The school's cameraman and the teachers stayed up all night to put together a video with all the pictures from the camp. It really got out some laughs from many students especially when they were caught making cringey or embarrassing faces.

Prize announcements came next.

"We'll be announcing the top three teams starting from the second runner up"

"Drum roll please"

The students obediently hit the floor with the hands to create the drum roll effect.

"In third place we have..."

The drum roll became louder. All students listening intently to the results.

"GROUP 2!!" The teacher announced.

The students in Group 2 yelled and cheered as they weaved their way through the crowd of students to get to the front.

"Quiet down children, quiet down so we can continue"

The noises died down as the teacher cleared his throat to continue.

"Next, in second place, we have..."

The students automatically started their drum rolls.

"GROUP 4!!"

At the sound of her group being called, Kimiko and the rest of her group eagerly got up to receive their prizes and congratulated the other team.

Shinsuke's group, group 6 managed to win first place and received a week worth of sweets.


Before they knew it, swarms of students began loading their suitcases and bags onto the bus before finding their seats. This time round, the teachers requested for students to be seated in their groups because it would be easier in terms of sharing the snacks. The teachers also planned to play some last minute games on the bus that required them to play in their groups so the tide back would be less boring.

Kimiko's group was seated in the first couple rows from the back door of the bus. All the other seats, reserved for her group were already occupied except 2. As a result, she took the window seat and settled in. Moments later, Tsurugi slipped into the aisle seat beside her.

"I guess this is the only seat left"

"Yeah" Kimiko replied without looking at him.

"I hate that camp is almost over"

"Yeah me too"

"Im definitely not ready to go back to school"

"I know right, the nationals are due to start a week after we get back and we still have to study for finals with the ongoing competition"

"Im nervous"


"Im nervous about the finals"

"Oh that makes sense. I thought you meant the nationals"

"Yeah that too but mostly finals"

"Im sure you'll do fine"

"Can you help me?"

"Help you study for finals?"

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