Chapter 38

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The whistle signalling the start of the fated finals between Kaiou and Raimon sounded as the crowd erupted in cheers and screams that echoed throughout the stadium.

A second into the match, Kaiou effortlessly makes their first goal, leaving Raimon in no position to defend themselves.

Even though Tsurugi managed to earn them a point back with Tenma's assist, they were still slaughter by the end of the first half. Kaiou showered them with avatar shoots and hissatsu techniques that left Raimon awestruck. With a 3 point difference, Raimon had a big burden to bare if they intended to win the match.

During halftime, Kimiko saw Tsurugi standing alone in the corner with a stern look on his face. She noticed that he still hadnt had his water break and with the concern that he would be dehydrated, she automatically reached for a bottle of water from the cooler and a fresh towel. She had intended to give them to Tsurugi but Aoi had already gone ahead of her.

Endou-san must have had a plan because in the second half, he gave orders for Tenma to become the goal keeper. Tsurugi seemed to understand what Endou-san was doing because he didnt look the slightest bit confused by the move.

When the second half began, Kaiou was still in possession of the ball. Endou-san's plan seemed to work, because when Kaiou made an avatar shot, Tenma managed to bring out his avatar under pressure and in the heat of the moment, in order to stop the ball.

After seeing this progress, Endou-san ordered to have Tenma back as a field player. It was almost as if Raimon became a new team entirely. They started scoring goals and Hayami-san and Sangoku-san each came up with new hissatsu techniques, Zeroyon and Fence of Gaia respectively.

It was amazing how one move flipped the outcome of the game entirely. Raimon came out victorious from the match with a leading score of 4-3. They have finally become the district champions.


"Wonderfully played everyone and congratulations on winning the district championships. Next, lets go for the nationals!"


That evening, Endou-san invited them over to his house for a little party, to congratulate the team for their success. Aki and Ichinose-san were also invited, partially because Endou didnt want Natsumi-san making all the food for the guest.

It was funny to see how Natsumi-san constatly offered to help in the kitchen and Endou-san kept dragging her away with random excuses. With Ichinose-san's help, Aki-nee and Haruna-san were able to successfully prepare enough food to feed the entire team. If only everyone knew how good the food would taste if Natsumi-san was in the kitchen.

The delicious meal was topped off with a mouth watering dessert. They each had a limited share, so they all cherished their little servings.

When everyone finished eating, the ladies and the managers helped clear the dinning area and washed the plates. They took turns telling Aki-nee and Natsumi-san who werent at the match, how exciting it was and all the precise details.

On the other hand, when the boys finished their dinner, they all rushed up to Endou-san's room (with his permission of course) to talk about soccer. It was quite obvious. Ichinose-san was forced to join them because he didnt want to be left alone with the ladies and also because he wanted some inside info of the team and how they were progressing.

After completely washing all the dishes until they sparkled, Natsumi-san, Haruna-san and Aki-nee sat down to catch up on one another's lives. The wedding didnt give them much time to talk because everything went by so quickly and everyone was so busy doing their own thing; taking pictures and eating food.

Now that they were finally sitting together at the dinning area, they decided it was the best time for some girl reunion night.

The team's managers on the other hand had nothing to do. Everyone else had their own things to talk about which meant that it was only the four of them left.

There wasnt much they could do with just the four of them so they simply slouched in the living room.

"What should we do? Its boring sitting around with nothing to do" Aoi-chan complained.

"Well theres nothing much we can do anyways" Kimiko replied. She was tempted to excuse herself and find a chance to borrow Endou-san's computer to research some info of the Holy Emperor.

"Lets find at least something to talk about. Its annoying listening to all of you complain" Midori-san complained.

"I have a suggestion" Akane-san said quietly.

"Let's play Truth or Dare"

Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to vote and comment if you have any suggestions, feedback, etc.

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