Chapter 46

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I updated more than one chapter today. Please read the chapters in order.


Kimiko found a nice place under a palm tree and sat down in the sand. There was a nice cool ocean breeze blowing through her hair and for a moment she just wanted to close her eyes and fall asleep while her troubles were being washed away. The salt smell of the ocean was rather refreshing and the waves were just mesmerising. It was like the ocean was calling her.

She noticed that most of her friends were already running into the waves and splashing water at each other. Kimiko on the other hand wasn't in the mood to get wet at the moment. She just wanted to admire the beauty of the ocean.

Tsurugi seemed to have the same thought because not long after Kimiko settled down, Tsurugi came and sat down beside her with a slight struggle.

"You ok?" Kimiko asked once she saw his effort to sit down.

"I'm fine. Its just a little hard to sit down when your knee is like this" he said gesturing to him knee.

"Hows your head doing?" Tsurugi asked while observing her head.

"Its getting better by the minute"

"Good to hear"

Then everything was awkward and silent before Tsurugi spoke up again.

"Are you going to be playing in the nationals? It would be a shame if the doctor said you couldn't"

"I'm currently not allowed to play but if my conditions keep improving, the doctor might let me play a game"

"Don't play if you haven't fully recovered. I don't want to see you getting hurt"

Tsurugi only realised how caring he sounded after he said it and they both blushed.

Is he blushing? Am I blushing? This is so embarrassing. Why does he have to be so caring?

She looks so cute when she blushes..

The sound of the whistle blowing calling the students back to the main hall interrupted their thoughts. Kimiko quickly got up and offered Tsurugi a hand just as Aoi came running towards them. She felt a wave of dread as Aoi neared. She must have seen them sitting under the tree together. Kimiko knew she had made a mistake.

"We need to talk" Aoi said through gritted teeth as she approached. She grabbed Kimiko by the arm and dragged her a long distance away from Tsurugi before she spoke.

"I don't understand why you are doing this"

Kimiko remained quite.

"Ive told you so many times about my feelings for Tsurugi and you treat it as if you have no idea. Why do you constantly have to hurt me like this. I thought we were friends."

Kimiko knew she shouldn't have been so close to Tsurugi but she couldn't help it either because she too was developing feelings for the ace striker. Was this going to be the end of their friendship?


The injured Tsurugi decided to walk on without Kimiko though he was slightly hoping he would get that chance.

Whats going on between Sorano-san and Kimiko? She look very mad at Kimiko. I hope nothing is wrong.

Little did Tsurugi know that he was the reason something real bad was going on.

Once everyone got back to hall Tsurugi noticed that Kimiko's wasnt looking so happy. He tried to ask her what was wrong but she kept saying nothing was wrong. She looked both worried and upset.

Probably because of that talk with Sorano-san? I wonder if they are fighting.

The activities continued but not as merrily this time because Kimiko was sulking most of the time. Tsurugi could tell that she was putting on a fake smile most of the time and it worried him.

Dinner came around soon enough and by then Tsurugi noticed that Kimiko wasn't looking any happier. She still looked as troubled as ever. She didn't seem to eat as much as normal because she finished quickly and excused herself to head back to the hall before any of her other friends. Aoi also seemed to look down but she hid it much better than Kimiko could.

Tsurugi decided to excuse himself from the table too so many he could help cheer Kimiko up. He didn't want to see her upset this way. Tenma and the others at the table were a little confused about his early leave but they didn't ask many questions.

Despite having trouble walking and climbing the stairs up to the hall, he made it in no time. Even though the students were supposed to meet back in the hall for the debrief in 15 minutes, the hall was still relatively empty. Tsurugi guessed that the other students were either still eating, chatting or playing with one another.

Tsurugi quickly spotted Kimiko sitting against one of the walls on the opposite site of the entrance so he slowly walked over to her. As he approached, Kimiko looked up from the piece of paper she was folding.

"Whatcha doing there?"

"Nothing" Kimiko replied very curtly and looked back down at her paper.

Tsurugi struggled as he tried to sit down beside her.

"Something wrong? You don't look so well"

"Nothing" Kimiko said without looking up.

"If you have something on your mind you can talk to me about it if you want"

"I can't"

"What do you mean? Why not?" Tsurugi asked as her turned to face her with confusion.

"It's kind of complicated"

"I don't understand"

"I need time to figure this out but for now I'm not supposed to be talking to you"

"Is this about what you and Sorano-San were talking about?"

Kimiko was quiet for a moment. She knew Tsurugi was on to something but she didn't want to open up to him about this until she had the chance to talk to Haruna-San.

"I think we should be heading back to our lines. It's almost time for the debrief" Kimiko tried to brush the question off as she stood up and walked to where her line was. Tsurugi was left utterly confused.

Tsurugi didn't sit down behind Kimiko this time and remained just as quiet as Kimiko until he debrief was over. Turns out, the scores for the first day of activities were not as bad as Kimiko imagined them to be. They were ranked 3 overall but that didnt lift Kimiko's spirits in any way.

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