This Hater-

253 20 13

I would like to thank kawaii-unicorncactus for all the support! And sorry to Straw for that earlier incident >.>

Boi, this hater needs to hella get off my back! I've ended up in some rich dick's backyard. And I can tell they're rich, this place is fine as hell!

At least the hater didn't follow me in here, and WOOOOH THAT A LOT OF BLOOD!!! The back (from what I can see) is stained red. I think I'm getting queazy.

Is that a person? Oh good! A person who doesn't have a knife in their hand! Thank god!

It's a girl. She has short hair, and she's very pale. I can't see her face since she's facing away from me. I unintentionally let out a whimper when I moved, and it caught her attention. She turned to stare at me.

Wow... damn I'm jealous, I look like a Gucci trash bag, and this chick looks like a damn model! Her face is flawless, and she has a light blush over it. Her lashes are long, and her hair, now that I look closer, is slightly purple. Her eyes are lavender though, which is kinda odd. But that doesn't matter.

I didn't get the reaction I expected to get when she actually processed my existence, and the fact I'm a tiger. Rawr.

"Oh my gosh, you're adorable! Oh god, your back! Poor kitty!" What?


Aren't I a tiger? Ya know, dangerous animal? Can kill people? ARE YOU BLIND?!?! Is it because I'm bleeding? Oh, come on! It's because I'm hurt, isn't it?

Really though? Does this girl have no fear? Or is she just stupid??? IM A VICIOUS PREDATOR, what is wrong with you?!?!??!!!!

"A-ah, uhm, what do I d-do?! I don't know w-what to do!"

"Well you can help me." Ok, I probably shouldn't have just spoken, considering I'm an animal who shouldn't be able to talk. Also considering the fact that her eyes just became the size of the moon.

Aaaand she passed out.


What do I do now?

There's a passed out babe on the ground, and I'm a deadly cat. Yeah. Practical.

Sigh... I guess there's only one thing I can do so it doesn't look like I killed her.

Oh shit, what if I did kill her? What if she's having a heart attack? AAAAAGH IM JUST GONNA DO A THING!

I walk over cautiously, and paw at the latch I can see on the door. After some struggling, I get it open. It leads to a room. Not sure who's it is, but that doesn't really matter.

I grab the collar of her flower robe thingy, and drag her in, ignoring the blood that I might possibly be dripping on the ground. I jump on the bed, heave her up with me. I leave her there, and jump off. It was very awkward and just didn't really work when I was trying to get her up there, but you take what your given. Anywho, I jump off the bed so I'm hopefully NOT murdered when people wake up and shit.

But because I'm talented, I trip on air and land on the edge of a table.

Great. Just dandy. Oh look, everything's going black! I'm passing out, aren't I? Well, looks like the bleeding is getting to me. Ya know what, maybe if I just lay down I can-


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