01 - Scent of Coffee

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"They say, coffee represent someone's life, so this is why i chose cafe latte"

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"They say, coffee represent someone's life, so this is why i chose cafe latte"


"My life is full of bittersweet realities, just like how cafe latte tastes."


Gimpo Airport

Yuta is waiting for someone in front of the arrival gate, holding a bag of strawberry cheese cake and a paper with a name of someone on another hand. Today was supposed to be his day-off, but his senior asked him to pick someone up in the airport since everyone in embassy was really busy they couldn't handle this guy for today. Especially when he knows that both of them will be on same age, Yuta seems okay with picking him up while travelling around Seoul to looking for an accomodation for him.

And here it is, he's coming. The guy that Yuta have been waited for.

"Ano, Yuta-san?" he asked

"Yes, perhaps you're ... Kenta-san?" asked Yuta

The guy nods, then pushes his trolly following Yuta's steps towards Yuta's car (it's actually embassy's but Yuta can borrow it when it's for some duties). Yuta helps him to load his luggages into the baggage, then, when they're finished, they both sit at the front seat.

"Is it okay if i turn on the radio, kenta-san?" asked Yuta

"Eeyy, stop talking formal to me, you seemed to look like my age," said Kenta

"How old are you?" asked Yuta

"24," said Kenta

"We're really on same age then ...," said Yuta while turning on the radio, but turns it off again after he didn't find something interesting to hear.

"I heard you have nowhere to stay, right?" asked Yuta.

Kenta Nods. It's true that Kenta didn't come up with an accomodation, expecting that he could stay at any ambassador's place while looking for an accomodation for him. But Yuta seemed to have a better idea. 

"My friend is looking for housemate, he's Korean but understand Japanese, you can learn Korean better from him since he's a native speaker," said Yuta, he drives his car into the famous neighborhood of Hongdae, then stopped by a coffee shop that looks pretty busy. They got out the car first, then enters the coffee shop. 

"I need to use the bathroom," said Kenta

"Oh, just go straight, there's restroom over there," said Yuta, his hands are guiding direction of the bathroom.

While waiting for Kenta, Yuta's eyes are scanning around the cafe, looking for someone he seems familiar with. Until he found that guy, a guy with blonde hair and glasses that is brewing a coffee. Yuta approached the front desk, then tapping his fingertips until the guy finished brewing the coffee.

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