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Henry woke up seeing a new place of the studios. His head throbbed in pain, probably from the fall. He checked his surroudings before thinking of what happened.

"Was It couldn't be... I never made him to be this way...oh Joey, what you got yourself into?" Thought Henry as he carefully got up. He soon finds an ax on the floor. Something inside him told him to take it, which he did, in order to protect himself. Heading down the hallways, which were flooded with ink, he sees someone walk by.

"H-hello!!! Wait, I need some help!!! Can yo-" Henry yelled as he headed towards the person's path, but they disappeared out of thin air, but a Bendy cardboard cutout was standing there. Not gonna puzzle over it, Henry made his way into the Music Department. He remembers who ran this department. His name was Sammy Laurence. Henry made his way further into the department, only to be greeted by blobby inky creatures. Henry swung his ax at them, making sure they stay down. Huffing, Henry sensed that someone was watching him. It wasn't a curious watching, more like a disgusted watching.

"Show yourself!!! Hiding in the shadows won't help you..."growled Henry, tightening his grip on the ax. It wasn't until the sounds of sloshing caught his attention. Henry turned towards the sound and froze in fear. Standing there, tall, inky, slender, and horrifically terrifying, was Bendy. His eyes were covered from the melting inky of his head. His hands had claws. He wore a deep, deep frown.

"Heeeeennrryyyyy....." Groaned the creature. Henry dropped his ax and slowly backed up.

"No.... This can't be ...." Whispered Henry, his breath shaking.

"What's the matter, Henry, I thought you'd wanna see lil' old meeeee..... I guess not, since you LEFT ME!!!!" Bendy opened his mouth revealing long, pointed teeth. Herny's back was against the wall as Bendy pins him there. The smell of ink filled Henry's nose. That and also the smell of decay.

"I never wanted this!!! What happened to you? Where did the...lovable, cute demon I made?" Asked Henry, shaking slightly in fear.

"Where?... WHERE?!?..... You never cared for me, Henry.... It's been 30 years Henry since you left me here to rot!!! And you think you can just waltz in here as if nothing!!!"

"Bendy, I had no choice.... Times back then were rough..."

"Why did you leave us here with Joey!?" Henry was taken aback. He looked at Bendy, eyes searching for answers.

"What about Joey?..." Bendy was taken back as well. He growled before slamming his fist against the wall next to Henry's head. Henry flinched slightly he felt Bendy's strength.

"HE DID THIS TO US!!! HE TORTURED US ALL THIS TIME SINCE YOU LEFT!!!! I asked you when will you return... And you never did...."

"Bendy, I-"

"SHUT UP!!! You betrayed me... And I can't forgive for that.... I-" A sudden clank of metal sounded as Bendy fell to the ground unconscious. Henry looked to see Boris with a shovel.

"If you wanna live, follow me..." Boris whimpered as he took Henry's hand and ran. Henry looked back at the demon who laid on the floor. So many questions filled Henry's head. Then, his head throbbed in pain and his vision blurred.

"B...Boris...I..." Henry uttered before collapsing.

"Henry?.... Henry!!! ..... Hen-......" This was the last thing Henry heard before passing out...

The Hellish Love I Bare to You (Bendy X Henry)Where stories live. Discover now