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Henry sat at his dining table. He stared at the letter that was delivered to him from SILLY VISION. He hasn't heard from his old friend, Joey Drew, in 30 years. So why now? Why now after all this time? Henry knew Joey wasn't all there in the head sometimes, but he was still his best friend. Leaving him to go to war back then was a hard decision. But some sacrifices had to be made in order to get by.

"Oh Joey... My dearest friend.... I'm sorry for leaving.... Maybe... I can make it up to you." Henry slams his fist against the table, humming to himself. "In matter of fact, I will make it up for him!!! A visit wouldn't hurt knowing him... I guess he needs my company..."  With that, Henry got dressed and left his home. He didn't know that it'll be the last time he'd ever returned home....

Upon entering the studio, Henry looked around carefully. A lot has changed since he left.. A lot.... The floors creaked under his steps. The area smelled of ink and years worth of dust. Henry found his way until he sees his old sketches on the floor. Picking them up, he finds his old work desk. Smiling, he gently rubbed the dust away from his desk. Memories of the past filled Henry's mind as some small tears began to form.

"I used to love drawing the cartoons..hmmm" Henry sat at his desk, found a pencil, and began to draw. After few moments, Henry picks up the paper. It was a drawing of Bendy, smiling with joy and happiness. Smiling as well, he places the drawing in his shirt pocket. A sudden groan of wood caught Henry's attention.

"Joey? Was that you?" Said Henry, looking around. Gathering his pride, Henry set out to look for Joey. It wasn't until a few hallways later he sees the Ink Machine.

"Damn Joey... You really out done yourself.... Seems like it's turned off... Maybe it wouldn't hurt to turn it on.."

-few items gathered later-

Henry pushes the button and soon the entire studio groaned awake. The sound of pipes trembling and gears working can be heard all around. He decided to check on the Ink Machine. On the way there, besides the Boris corpse that freaked him out, he noticed the opening to the Ink Machine was boarded up. Getting closer, he heard soft gurgled cries coming from the other side. Peeking in, Henry sees someone hunched over in a ink puddle.

"H-hey, are you ok buddy?" Henry said, trying to cover his fear. The figure stopped crying. The silence was dreadful. It slowly turns towards Henry before launching at him. Henry fell back and looked at the boarded up corridor. Standing there, in pure hatred, was Bendy himself.

"YOOOOOUUUUUU TTTTRRAAAAAIIIITOOORRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!" Bendy roared as the hallways soon was covered with ink. Henry scrambled to his feet and ran towards the exit. He had to get away. The ink was everywhere. Just barely touching the doorknob, the floor below Henry caved in and he fell deeper into the studio. Leaving wasn't an option....

The Hellish Love I Bare to You (Bendy X Henry)Where stories live. Discover now