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lainey ☾
point of view.

I didn't go home that evening, Jahseh was starting to act. Well I don't know, crazy. It still didn't register to my mind why me being able to read his and others bothered him. I understood that it ticked him off that he didn't have the freedom to think about whatever he wanted but I couldn't help it.

I couldn't even try to see what he was thinking his mind was moving a mile a minute. I sat on the edge of the bed while he scribbled things onto multiple sheets of paper.

"jahseh..." I said and he still didn't see me, he must've been sweating heavily the way he was fanning himself, his breathing accelerated.

"jahseh.... what the hell." I said a little bit louder and he ignored me jumping up from his chair and running out of his room and I mean fast. He left his room door open in the process and I peeked out of it, the rest of his family also had their doors open with confused looks on their faces watching Jahseh sprint upstairs.

Must've been an attic up there.

Jahseh's little sister Chiraz was staring at me and I waved smiling at her. Something about little children staring at me gave me chills.

"Fuck!" I heard Jahseh yell followed by a loud thud, I ran upstairs after him worried that with him acting so bizarre he dropped something heavy on himself. I pushed open the attic door and Jahseh was freaking out. There was an open book on the floor, more like a journal but it looked extremely old.

Jahseh looked like he was in total shock.

"jahseh what's wrong?" I was concerned. Because now, he was crying.

"i tried, i tried so hard. i couldn't do it, i put you in danger, lainey. just go home, we can talk about this....." Jahseh trailed off wiping his eyes and stood there silently.

"later ?" I asked him, he didn't answer.

"uh, okay. see you tomorrow, jahseh." I hugged him and it was almost like he wasn't alive. Whatever was in the that journal must've been serious. I had no idea by what he meant when he said he put me in danger.

I'm so sorry. The first thought I could clearly read came through to me from him right before I was about to leave. I turned back around to look a him and he was quietly picking up the things that he knocked over from his outburst.

I wanted badly to stay and talk to him about what was making him so, down. I grabbed my things out of his room and left through the front door. I already knew my mother would be knocked out cold, she was always asleep after coming home from work. So I didnt have to worry about coming up with an excuse as to why I was coming home late.


I arrived at my house later than I expected, I was consumed in my own thoughts. I was ultimately curious about what Jahseh had read that was tearing him apart on the inside. I rubbed my eyes stepping into my house and shut the door locking it. I was tired myself.

I trudged up the steps to my bed and right before I went to sleep my phone buzzed. It was a text from Jahseh.

I have somewhere I want us to go tomorrow, be ready.

okay I'll be there
you alright though Jahseh ?

Jahseh didn't respond after thirty minutes of me waiting, He left me on seen. He must've fallen asleep so I turned my phone off and crawled under my covers and fell asleep for myself.

ya'll, the next chapter might be the last one. 😐💫 I know it'll look confusing but after the next chapter I'll make a outro basically explaining why everything started and ended the way it did. and they don't get together in this story, i just thought this would be cool. I'll write another jahseh fan fiction that won't be so unrealistic but until then..

excuse my errors.

- kayana.

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