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"your ultrasound pictures ? why would you be asking for those ?" Lainey's mother Alsina asked.

"is that why dad left you ? because you told him about me ? why didn't you tell me this ?" I asked her and she gave me a bizarre look. I don't know why she was looking at me like that, didn't she see me in the dream ?

"lainey ! how could you ever think such a thing ? your father left me with no explanation, you have nothing to do with this. now get up and go to your room, you have school tomorrow." She scoffed and walked away to the kitchen. I had no idea why she felt like she couldn't tell me what happened, it was just a dream. I shrugged it off trudging up the steps feeling drained. I slipped out of my hoodie and shoes rubbing my aching forehead.

"what a damn night" It didn't take me long before I drifted off to sleep not even aware that I was about to fall into one of my own dreams.

12:30 PM

I started to feel sweaty, not like exhausted sweaty but guilty. Like I had just gotten caught doing something I had no business doing. It's disgusting but my hands were dripping wet and clammy. The only thought running through my mind was, "why can I see this dream do clearly ?"

The all white never ending space I was end started to fade and like some corny movie with horrible special effects I was in a large two floor brick house. The only difference was I was able to walk-move in general really. I went up and down the stairs exploring the different rooms. It was like someone lived here, or more like a whole family lived here.

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