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this is jahseh, the guy met yesterday.

so you're telling me that you sent me your number through....my dream?
how ?

???'s contact name was changed to jahseh

will you ever be free to come and meet me again ? it's a lot to this.
if so i was thinking some time tmrw

yea, but only because tomorrow is the weeknd. what about the public library.

I refused to be alone in a house with I person I still barely knew. I needed to see how he operated first, I'm still slightly skeptical about all that's going but I'm getting way too curious for my own good. I really want to know more about this dream hop stuff.

cool I'll send you a time tomorrow, but could you do me a favor and I know this sounds weird but I want you to really focus on dreaming tonight. and when you wake up, write everything you can remember in a notebook or a piece of paper. just do that for me.

can do

I put my phone back down and fished around in my nightstand for my composition notebook. I never had a use for it until now. I set the journal next to next and pulled a pen out as well. I tied my hair up in a lazy bun, turning my lamp off and sinking under my cover.

Before I knew it, I was sound asleep and my dream began to unfold.

2:39 AM

I was standing on a abandoned platform of land, a simple brown tumbleweed blew by. Then another. And then another. Then five more after. I turned behind and stared emotionless at the sandstorm heading towards me. As it started to whirl closer, I noticed the sandstorm included more things then just sand.

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