Informer/Disclaimer/Important Stuff

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Hello fellow readers, writers and Tolkienites!
If you're familiar with my works, then you know what this is...If not, then please stick with me until the Disclaimer and possibly, the Important Stuff (It'll explain the rocky updates.) Thank you!!

Now, the thing that most writers hate to type -at least I find it irritating...-

I DON'T own anything related to Middle Earth, Professor J.R.R Tolkien, Peter Jackson, and/or any songs you may click on. (Possibly some quotes and poems too.)

Phew! Now, onto the "Important Stuff!"


Important Stuff —
The reason for this is because I have a health issue that will delay my updates, it's an uncontrolled one and it's name is Epilepsy also known as Seizures. If any of you have questions, feel free to ask! There are MANY types of seizures. I have the ones where I stare off into space for a good 5 minutes, and another where my arm twitches like a single muscle spazzum. I also get some in my sleep. They're so uncontrolled that I'm undergoing testing to see if i'm a candidate for brain surgery. My next appointment is in October, and I'll be seeing multiple people. (Doctors) It's 6-months worth of testing just to see if I'm a candidate. Then, we'll go on from there. I want a permanent solution. The doc. Is completely against CBD. (And so am I.) But, if I'm not a candidate I'll try CBD...
For every seizure I have, I have to get 3 hrs of sleep to regain my energy. And they're quite frequent, too. So I can't update on a normal schedule, sadly 😞.

Now, if you'd like some 'hints' on where this story is going to go, scroll down! ⬇️ I'll leave several spaces for those who don't want to see.

* Tauriel has changed. In both looks, and well.. You'll figure it out soon enough.
* One person knows her past, this is to make her feel less lonely. (Though at times she wishes that this person didn't know..)
* She still has her Middle Earth memories, Sight, and Amnesia.
* Will someone, or many someone's find her?

In Another Lifetime {After Hobbit Fanfic} Kili/Tauriel Book 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang