I Dagor (The Battle)

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Hello fellow readers! Incase you didn't read the first chap, I don't own anything you might read, see, and/or hear. They all belong to Professor J.R.R Tolkien and Peter Jackson! (And various song writers/artists)

Recap (Last left off on Amrâlimê (My Love) Book 1) -

Bolg advanced on Kili, I slowly got up and stood, watching the scene unfold. Kili was hitting him, but Bolg would push hit sword away at times. Just as he was about to stab Kili, I jumped on his shoulders shouting "No!", I managed to take him over the cliff with my leg pushing us off the rocks giving us extra momentum. I heard Kili yell "Amrâlimê!" As we fell.

I laid on my back gasping in pain, too much pain to move. I had probably broken some ribs. My eyesight was blurry when I moved my head. And, to make it all the worse... I heard heavy footsteps. 'Bolg...' I thought with a wince. I had hoped he died with the fall. Guess I wasn't that lucky. 'Goodbye my sweet Kili.'
Bolg soon advanced, and stood over me. From the corner of my eye I could see Legolas, his arm reached back for an arrow but there were none. I smiled at him, tears leaking out of my eyes. If it's my time, then so be it. I managed to say "Thorin" loud enough for Legolas to hear. He nodded. The Durin line must survive, this I knew...

With my last word, Bolg grinned his nasty grin and stuck his spike through my stomach. I screamed in agony, more tears flowing. I would never see Kili again, nor his brother or uncle, even Gandalf and Legolas.
But, perhaps in the afterlife I would... If I was lucky, just once. I said a final farewell to my loved ones as I faded.
Tauriel never did find out the fate of Bolg, nor the rest of those she fought with but she hoped they survived.


* Apostrophes in italics are thoughts 💭 'hello everyone!'
* Seeings will be within these symbols and in Bold -* Also known as The Gift Of Sight *-
* Emphasis on certain word(s) will be in italics without apostrophes - Run. Run!


Suddenly I awoke, but it didn't seem to be in Middle Earth. Looking around, there were marble Pillars reaching up into the enchanted nighttime sky, what all Elves enjoy, but woodland elves love the most. This place nearly reminded me of Rivendell. I visited it when I was very little.

Slowly sitting up, I spotted an almost Angelic being, clothed in blue robes that held silver, green and gold. He had long dark black hair and as he observed my curious expression he spoke opening his arms wide "Welcome, my child."

My eyebrows furrowed."Where exactly am I?" I asked. The being smiled, and offered me a hand so I might stand.

"You are in the halls of Eru Ilúvatar." He answered. My eyes widened as I noticed that this must be him, the creator of the Elves. "I apologize, my Lord." He laughed. "It is quite alright, Tauriel. However it is not your time quite yet." He said, sombering up quickly. "I cannot send you back to Middle Earth, as Tauriel but I can send you to its sister-planet Earth."

Looking up at him, I questioned "What use is living, if I dread waking up feeling this way everyday? I lost the love of my life, and so did Kili. All because I couldn't kill Bolg."

"I promise you, young Tauriel, that you will find happiness again. And, also someone to share your troubles with." He promised.
Nodding my head, I accepted my fate.
"I will give you all the knowledge of this new planet that you may need, a friend to share your memories with, and a few other things to get you by. You may keep your memories of this life but your new name will be Tiana Wood. Also, I should add that you may not return to Middle Earth as Tauriel, I'm afraid." He spoke.

"Very well, thank you Eru. And if possible, let Kili know that I love him."
"He knows, young Elleth. He knows."
"Now, have fun with your new life on Earth."

Okemos, Michigan.

That is where I currently lived. It has a population of 21,369 people.
It's a somewhat quiet, rural area. I lived in a small, three bedroom two bath house bordering the woods which was on the outskirts of Okemos, Michigan. (Okie-mos)

Since my arrival to Earth, I discovered I had two abilities. One from my previous life. "the gift of sight", which happened in my sleep. And I could - if I wanted to, control the elements. I never told anyone, not even my best friend, Ana.

Basically I see the future. But, I see them in dreams. I had been getting these seeings since I was a child, in Middle Earth. I discovered the elements when I started gardening. Things grew quicker, and bigger. It rained when I wanted it to, and stopped when I wished it. Ana didn't know about this ability either.

At the moment, Ana was over bugging me to start dating again. Yes, she knew about my past - she was the one Eru Ilúvatar talked about, I figured that early on. She knew about Kili, and how I saved him by dying. Now two years down the road, she continues to pester me to get a date, to take my mind off of... Kili. When I awoke in my front yard, I found his runestone in my pocket, so at least some part of him is with me.... No matter the distance.

I often climb up on my roof and look out at the stars, wondering where he is. What he's up to. I feel it in my heart that Kili survived the battle.

"Tiana, it's been how many years since you and Kili were together?" She asked.
"Two...and we never got the chance to court one another, Ana."
"Right! Well, maybe you need to find another man, get your mind off of Kili. Go on a date." She spoke.
I sighed. 'This is not what I need.'
"I'm sorry Ana, but I'm just not ready yet."
"Well, hopefully you will be someday soon."
"Maybe." Was my response.
I got up from the coffee table to goto the couch, runestone in hand. It barely left my side.

Today was the anniversary of the battle.
"Well, I'm gonna head out I have to work the afternoon shift." She spoke, use to my mood. - Especially on this date.
"Okay, talk to you soon." I responded, tracing the runestone and staring off into the distance. - Remembering long lost memories.
Ana works at a hospital. Which, in all honesty I don't envy.

That night, I dreamt of him which wasn't unusual. But this was oddly realistic. It was like watching a movie. So this was a vision, then... A seeing.

-* Kili was talking to Gandalf, saying how he saw my body disappear. Vanish. He was trying to convince Gandalf to look into it, begging him. And eventually it worked. It seemed like weeks had passed before Gandalf returned, with answers. That I was indeed alive, just not on Middle Earth. They talked in Kili's room about his runestone, and how Kili had a deep connection to it, and in return to me since I held the stone and I was his One. If he focused hard enough he could figure out where it was - where we were. Soon, after hours of teaching and practicing Kili located the runestone and me... On Earth. *-

I woke up excited, knowing that they hadn't given up hope. That Eru had given him a clue. A bread crum trail, if you will, to follow. I could laugh, and sing with joy. I thanked the said God, I may not be in Middle Earth anymore, but he sent me here so maybe Eru can still hear me. I could only hope.

So, for now it was time to wait and see what this new seeing held in store.

In Another Lifetime {After Hobbit Fanfic} Kili/Tauriel Book 2Where stories live. Discover now