Witchy/ballet prompt

Start from the beginning

-Following the news article, the Fairy council filed a complaint to the Witch council that the structures were distracting and were going to detrimental. They also went so far as to say that all magic that witches used was bad for everyone. This then started a war between witches and fairies.

-The war breaks the news and Piklore is on alert. Being a harmony city, it could get very dirty. Aurora notices that Faelon and MIsty become distant and seem distracted. She tries to get them to open up by inviting them to a sleepover.

-At the sleepover they talk a lot and they do something they all knew that would help, dancing. -Misty forgets that she is wanted while being with Faelon and Aurora and accidentally makes water dance around her as she dances outside. Both Faelon and Aurora realize she is a witch and the witch who has made trouble. They stop her from dancing as a structure starts happening. They then talk about it and Faelon admits that he is a fairy and his backstory.

-They go to dance the next day, and to everyone's surprise, they seemed less sad and more happy. They seemed to have a stronger bond.

-Misty shows Faelon and Aurora the lake of which she makes structures with. They all go exploring and discover a great hideout where they can meet.

-They all meet at the hideout every week and talk of all sorts of things.

-One day, Misty doesn't show up for dance class. She then doesn't go for a week. Faelon and Aurora get worried and go to her house. There Misty's mother says that they are in hiding because of the war and that the fairies of Piklore had hunted the other witches in the city. Faelon and Aurora try their best to help them, by the most of letting them stay at the hideout until it blows over.

-Misty then goes to dance class and talks to Cam. She explains the situation and then leaves. Cam files a complaint to both councils that they should stop. This doesn't work and the war keeps going.

-Misty finds a great peace in dancing with her friends as they come and visit her. Her mother then sees that the structures that Misty makes while dancing with certain people. On her own itis cristal clear, but with Aurora it becomes a red like color, while with Faelon it becomes more gold.

-Margrete tells Misty of her discovery and that maybe her talent for water is the way to stop the war. Depending on what race she dances with, the color is significant. They then wonder what color it is if she dances with another witch.They then call Cam to come dance. Cam comes, and being a fellow witch, the water turns a very dark purple. Proof needed, they all discuss on what to do. Cam suggests that Misty, Faelon, and Aurora go to each domain and perform duets with Misty to bring them to realize that the structures are not detrimental. This idea is shot down and they try to figure something out.


Faelon Goldleaf - a young male ballet dancer who is also the half brother of the crown prince of the fairies. He has no titles, no home, no family, he was abandoned by his mother because he was born by another man other than the king. He was technically a prince, but no one knew. He wanted to get into dancing because it let him express himself without the hardships of being an abandoned yet holy creature that was requires. Humans respected him in their cities, but he was rejected and cast out of the fairy cities. Being in ballet has let him forget that he is a fairy and reject. The dancing community accepted him for his flaws. He could never live without dance.

He is 17 with blond hair and green eyes and is 6'1". His favorite color is purple and he is friends with Aurora. She was the first person that became his friend when he came to ballet at age 14. They are the same age and they enjoy time dancing with each other.

Aurora Magaline - a young female dancer who is the youngest in a family with 6 kids. The rest of her siblings have grown up and become doctors and political leaders, and so her parents want her to follow their path. She sadly does not want to be a doctor and is under pressure every day from her family. Dance is the coping mechanism that helps her get through every day. Before she found dancing at age 10, she would have many days that she would cry herself to sleep. She was bullied at school and called a loser, she was trying to get good grades but struggled. She would come home and get yelled at because of her grades. When she found ballet, she released. The dance studio became the safe place and the people became her family. When Faelon came, they instantly clicked in the way that they could open up to each other. Her dance instructors were concerned for her, but once Faelon became a part of the dance family, they saw a change in Aurora.

She is 17 with rusty red hair and deep blue eyes and is 5'10". Her favorite color is brown and she is close friends with Faelon.

Misty Starlyte - a young female ballet dancer who is the only child of superstitious witch of Piklore. She never thought about joining a dance company, but her mother saw that she needed an outlet for all the talent that she had. The talent to control water and like substances. Sadly, Misty's magic only really worked when she danced, and if she danced with enough emotion, she could control a huge body of water. When she dances, she has to be alert on how her emotions are in case she releases. She met Faelon and Aurora the their company at age 17, and she felt like an outcast. The company was like a big family and she was a visitor. She would talk to her instructor on her feelings on dance and the company and finally she was introduced to Aurora. She instantly saw her backstory, as being a witch she could see it, and wanted to be friends. She was introduced to Faelon, but somehow her mind powers didn't work. At first she was confused, but soon gave up and just became a friend.

She is 17 with light purple hair and light yellow eyes and is 5'8". Her favorite color is blue and she has become friends with Faelon and Aurora.

Rainantien Goldcase - or Rain for short. He was cursed by a evil witch, but she was to torture him more but he got away. She pursued him, but then saw a big water structure happening and knew that she was approaching a powerful witch. She then backed off. He got caught in a tree and then was saved by Misty. The only way to break the curse was to have a witch innocently care for me if he got hurt.

He is a traveler who loves to dance. He has purple eyes and brown hair.

Margrete Starlyte - Misty's mother. She is a supernaturalist and a fortune teller. She has light purple hair and pink eyes.

Cam- a dance instructor at Dance 4 Eons. She is a witch and is very talented in the ways of fire. She has pink hair and teal eyes, and she is 5'3".

The dance studio's name is Dance 4 Eons. They are centroled in Piklore.

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