"I don't want to lose you." He answered quietly.

I set my sketch book on the ground and sat up next to him. I could see tears forming at eyes, I don't think I've ever seen him cry and it broke my heart. "Loves, look at me." I lifted up his chin to look him in the eyes. "No matter what happens, you will not lose me. Ever. Even if I do have to go back to my moms house. We'll still see each other at school, and I'll come over on weekends. I'm always going to be a phone call away, I will always be here. You can't get rid of me that easily."

He chuckled. "I know. Its just that I've gotten so used to you being here, that if you move I'm going to be lonely."

"And we're going to fight our asses off for that not to happen." I wiped his tears off of his cheek. "Okay?"

He nodded and leaned in giving me kiss. "Yeah you can't leave me that easily." I chuckled and he smiled and sighed. "When did you become the confident one?" I chuckled at him. "Looks good on you. I love you."

"I love you too." I curled up into his side and he grabbed the remote, turning on the TV. "Hey, do you have anything planned for the next weekend?" I asked as Blake settled on watching an old college football game that they ocasionally re-run.

"No. Why?"

"Can we go Christmas shopping? Anna said you like to procrastinate until last minute, so it would be a good chance for you to get it done earlier. Plus, I need your help figuring out what to get your mom and Anna."

"Sure. Do you know where you were wanting to go?"


"Okay we'll just start at the mall then." I nodded my head and then went to listening to Blake's comments of criticism towards the teams, figuring out that he must not like either that are playing, until dinner arrived.


I woke up to Blake's' alarm. I rolled over, and upon noticing that Blake wasn't there, reached over and turned it off. Once the annoying blaring stopped, I could hear the shower running, an indicator the Blake must've gotten up early. I sat up and looked at our nice dress outfits hanging on the closet door. I've been trying to mentally prepare myself for today, but now that it's here, I think I'm the furthest away from being prepared.

I heard the shower turn off and Blake moving about the bathroom. He finally emerged a couple minutes later, a towel wrapped around his waist. "You're awake. I thought that was the alarm clock I heard." He walked over and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "You ready for today?"

"Not really."

"Ah. You're going to do great," he told me as he walked into the closet. That's the good thing about him having an huge ass closet. Since I'm not fully comfortable with us changing in front of each other, we can change in the closet and still be remotely in the same vicinity and talk to each other.

"Yeah, I'm just nervous of what might happen."

"What do you mean? Talk to me."

"Well like, what if they don't believe what I say? Or if they decide that I'm not I'm credible enough because of how young I was when she left?"

"For one," he started as he walked out pulling on his under shirt. "Unless they have actual, credible evidence that you're lying, what you say is the truth. And two, they've had children as young as four testify before. I think that something that happen only 10 years ago is very credible." He finished buttoning his shirt and walked over to me. "Hey." He crouched down to be at eye level. "We're going to march in there, win this thing, and then you're going to come home with me and we'll never have to worry about you needing to leave because of this again. Okay?" I nodded my head. "Good. Now go shower. We need to leave in an hour and a half." He gave me a kiss and walked out of the room.

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