Weeds - Chapter Six

Start from the beginning

I swallowed the content in my mouth, "Thanks, but I think I'll just hitch a ride with Danielle." 

He scoffed, "I leave for a few months and you pick Danielle as your best friend?" 

"You left for thirty months Cole, that isn't a few, that a whole lot." I said, filling my mouth with another mouthful of delicious chocolatety goodness.  

He leaned on the counter his arm holding up his head. 

"You could have gotten someone better then a loser like her." 

"She's a better friend than you ever were." I shot back. 

"You know we're best friends," He suddenly stood up from his chair, his towel still around his waist and a smile on his lips, "and you wish we still were." 

When he turned to leave the room he dropped the towel, "And maybe more."  

I gasped, my hands flying to my eyes. I didn't want to see, I didn't need to see. 

So I didn't fully look. 

Just a peek. 

And my oh my was he a sight for sore eyes. 


By the time fourth period rolled by I was in a grumpy mood, not only had I watched a very naked Cole but I had gotten D minus on my Geography paper, a paper cut from a book and I was pretty sure my mascara was smudged. 

The only make up I wore was mascara, my eyelashes were a little too long and a little too straight, without mascara and an eyelash curler the lashes went into my eyes , constantly blurring my vision 

I was slummed into my seat as Mr. Kerr ranted on and on about the importance of socialites and forming connections.  

Elliott was beside me his back straight and arms crossed. He had black ear buds in and his Vans clad foot was tapping in a steady beat. Hi eyes were closed, his impossibly long eye lashed shadowing over his cheek bones, I wondered how someone's eye lashes could be so long, so curly, and so incredibly black. 

I turned my attention to the sheet of paper laying on Elliott's desk, the number seven was printed neatly on the right hand corner. I noticed the seven was crossed, I never crossed my sevens. 

I tilted my head back closing my eyes, I tipped my fedora down so that it covered my face. 

"Miss. Stone, we are not in an Indian Jones movie and you are certainly not Indiana Jones. I suggest you sit up straight and take your hat off." I did as he said. "You see class, as Miss. Stone has demonstrated social skills are important. Especially since she has none." 

I rolled my eyes, I knew Mr. Kerr was just bitter towards me since the time my mother rejected him a few years back. 

My phone vibrated, it was a text from Cole. 

You just got owned, Miss Stone. 

I rolled my eyes turning in my chair, Cole was staring at me a small smirk on his lips when he noticed me he winked. 

I turned back around my lips forming a small grin, I put my phone back into my skirt pocket. 

Mr. Kerr sat back into his seat stuffing papers into a brief case, Elliott and I were the last ones to leave when the bell rang. 

We both walked down the hallway, Elliott's white dress shirt made his black hair stand out, It was strange how his hair was so carelessly tousled and how from a side view his profile was actually not ugly. 

I had always found side view ugly, it always made people look contorted but he didn't. His nose was a good size, his cheek bones the right angle, his chin wasn't too protruding nor was it too stuck in.  

When we made it outside into the campus I felt like a vampire, the sun felt like fire on my skin. 


"Shouldn't we be getting to know each other?" 

He nodded, "Ask away." 

"What's your favorite colour?" 

"Really? Out of all the questions you could have asked." 

"Just answer." 

My question was dumb considering his favorite colour was black, since he wore it every single day. 

"Green." He said. 


"Green, is my favorite colour." 

I rolled my eyes, "I got that part." 

We stayed in silence, but it was a comfortable silence. Elliott slid his bag off ripping it open, he pulled out a carton of strawberry milk drinking from it. 

I grinned at his weird taste in beverages. 

We crossed the street which only had two cars and a dozen kids lining it, girls wearing hideous blue plaid quilts and boys in black trousers.  

I started walking a little faster than before because today was Wednesday and the faster I got home the better. 

When we got home I jogged up to my room I noticed that my mom was home and she was instructing something to Bea, her assistant who wrote it down. I dropped my bag on the floor changing quickly into a pair of jeans and a red shirt. I jogged back downstairs grabbing a pair of keys from our key bowl, I got to the door, about to turn the knob, 

"And where do you think you're going?" 

I took in a deep breath turning to face my mother, "Today's Wednesday." 

"And you are still grounded." 


She folded her arms taking a superior stance, "No buts." 

"Mom I have to-" 

"Then take Elliott." 

I sighed, "You know I can't," 

She shrugged walking towards me she plucked the keys from my hand, "Then you won't go." 

I groaned loudly literally stomping up stairs, I knocked hard on the door three down from mine. I was about to knock again when the door flew open.  

Elliott was wearing the uniform trousers, his dress shirt was un buttoned and a black shirt underneath , figures. 

"Yes?" He said leaning on door trim. 

From what I could see his room was fairly messy, there were posters tapped all over the wall , he had a guitar in the left corner and a bed on the right. His bed sheets were the only white thing in his room. 

"I have to go somewhere." I said tapping my foot impatiently.  


I sighed impatiently, "Places." 

He closed his door.  


I knocked again, harder and faster. 

A few seconds passed and there was no reply, I knocked again. 

He opened the door, he was only wearing the black shirt and sunglasses.  

He walked through the door I was left stunned, a small grin spreading on my lips. I followed him down the stairs, my mom was still with Bea and they were standing in the living room, I swooped past her grabbing the keys which were still in her hand. 

I smiled at her walking to the door where Elliott was standing, 

"I'm going." 

I said to no one in particular.

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