Chapter 1

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I did a couple cartwheels in my kitchen and saw my brother outside, laughing at me. He started running, running running, and running. "Jack?! Where are you going?" He kept running, he had always been the fastest- faster than anyone else I knew. I felt my heart skip a beat; he had disappeared.

I jerked my self up, and thought, Just maybe I could find him- alive; running faster than ever, faster than a fox, faster than a cheetah, faster than light. Just maybe that dream could've been real. Just maybe I could've still lived where all my friends were, where my family was; my brother would still be alive if we lived there!

"Kria," I heard my mom yell from me downstairs. I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. As I skipped over one step each time I went down one stair. My mom glanced at me- her voice sounded tense, "Can you make some breakfast?"

I nodded and thought, Just maybe, one day my life will be like everyone else's. Not having to stay home alone every day, all day, being a real teen, that can see the world. And maybe not having to make breakfast.

I trotted to the fridge and grabbed four white eggs - two for me and two for Mom. I cracked them each quickly and scrambled them quickly. As I was making eggs, my mom had gone upstairs to get dressed. While I was serving myself, she had come downstairs in her formal business suit. Mom kissed my forehead, "Thank you, honey. Don't let anyone in the house, and text me if you are leaving the house."

"Bye, mom. Love you," my mom waved over her shoulder as she hurried out the door.

A couple hours later- After binging Tokyo Ghoul the whole time -I had decided to text my mom, notifying her I would be going outside. I stepped out onto the patio, the sun beating hard on my soft skin. I looked over to the other side of the street, seeing a boy throwing a ball in the air, it landed perfectly back in his hands. I smirked. I got my bike that was leaning on the side of our tiny house and rode over to a scenic park where there was a bench. I plopped on the bench and started reading. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep- book propped in his hands. I was deep in my sleep.

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