Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four


She let me in and put her back against the door, jucked her bag on the little box. She sighed again,

"Hey" She greeted, I went towards her, she straightened up and I was even closer, our chests nearly touching, she was breathing unsteadily and looked scared. I wrapped my arms around her into a hug, she sighed with relief and hugged me back. I backed off to the foot of the stairs,

"Hey, what did you think I was going to do? You numpty!" I chuckled, she came over and sat on the first step, I went and sat by her, leaning against the banister,

"Well I don't know, sorry I should know you're not like that, I mean" I shushed her before she started a full on ramble,

"So how was your day?" I asked her,

"Well-" there was a knock at the door. Both me and Mysti had a confused look on our face, and I was ready to strike if I had to. She opened the door to a perfect looking guy, really making me feel down about my self, but hey he can't see me. Mysti gave me a look and then turned to the guy.

"Hey Josh," she sighed,

"Hey who were you looking at,-" Ur me dumbass, oh yeah "-Anyway, I wanted to say that I live a few houses down, as we just moved here, see you tomorrow!" He waved goodbye and jogged off, probably trying to show off.

"And how was your day?" I asked Mysti,

"Oh okay I guess, just Josh moving here, he's a new kid, um Bliss rambling and Jamie being a total ass, thats all. Oh yeah and Jason trying to make conversation at the few times Stacey wasnt hanging off him, like I would let him." We had walked up the stairs and had opened her bedroom door,

"Sounds eventful," I commented, she groaned as we walked into her room and she shut the door. "Um-"

"I missed you today Jake," She walked over to her bed and sat on it, letting her chocolate waves down, I missed her today, and she took my words out of my mouth,

"Wel-up-urm.." I was dumbfounded (I think) She looked at me, waiting for the return or if I was okay, "I-I m-iss-ed you too, how are you?" Why did I stutter, what is wrong with me?

"Ah I'm okay, tiered," she yawned and flopped back on ber bed, "I'm taking a nap, wanna be my pillow?" What?

"What do you mean?" I quized her, one eyebrow up,

"Urgh come here!" I cautiously walked over and sat on her bed, "Now lay back, and relax, don't be so tense!" I realised I was tense so I relaxed and leant back on her bed. "There," She leant on my chest, with her head on me her hands close to her chest. Once again I was startled at this action but, she wasn't. she snuggled in closer as I put my arms around her, meeting in the middle and she fell asleep, I looked down and she was smiling. And we stayed like that as she was napping.....

~~~~Ah the squiggly lines! It's not finished!~~~~

It was a couple of hours later, maybe five around, she stretched her arms and they lay limp across my chest. Her eyes fluttered open.


I stretched out and left my arms there, on something? Oh right yeah, I opened my arms and looked up into Jakes forest deep green eyes, he looked down and smiled his comforting smile. I huffed and released myself for his hug, rolling over to the other side of my bed and sit up. I look over my shoulder to see Jake ruffling his hair and noticing my gaze, smirking,

"Hello," I say over my shoulder and turned back, brushing my hair back through my fingers, letting flow down my back. I check to see Jacob looking at me, I look at him up and down

"Are you checking me out?" He was taken aback and blinked coming to reality, I giggled at his cutene- at him.

"Um-er-um no no, are you checking me out? what you laughing at?"he addressed me and I realised I was laughing out loud at his dumb but cute reaction to my question,

"I *giggle* wasn't and I was laughing out you-" I crawled across my bed to near him, "Silly, your cute like that-" I covered my mouth at what I said and he had his eyes wide open,

"I -I er- I mean-er um" I went back to the other side of my bed and stood up,

"I'm going to get downstairs um" I headed for the door when he stood in front and stopped me, I sighed "Jake let me go" I moaned, this is awkward.

"You think I'm cute? Why thank you" We stared into each others eyes while he smiled "Um yeah here you are" he moved out of the way off the door and gestured towards it. I nodded to him and we went out the door. Downstairs to the lounge where I sat on my button sofa and he on the chair.

Love and EntityDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora