Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten


He put his manly act back on, even though he was a teen inside and out. His past so destroying.

"What happened, how did you...find out bout everything and who you..are now?" Why I said that I don't know, I could see it was painful revisiting the past,

"Ashmir found me curled up, wishing to be dead, he took me to where the entities go for meetings and stuff. And I learn't all there is to know, invisible observation how to be seen and be believed in. Its pretty awesome to be able to fly as well." He stopped and looked up and smirked at me "Well, really I shouldn't be telling you this but I don't care,-"He was carefree, no wonder he had nothing to care for, "-besides its nice to share things with other people that don't know anything already- sorry doesn't" he corrected him self,

"I suppose its your turn to spill the beans, um Mysti,"

"Really? I-"

"You asked me and I proceeded now its your turn, its only fair besides it can't be more boring than mine, don't fight me on this one"

"Urgh I suppose,-" I was gathering my thoughts and my memories, his voice was so sweet and mesmerizing also persuading so I couldn't say no.

"I doubt it will be as interesting as yours,-" he smirked and has a single chuckle inside "-Basically, I'm 16, since Monday and I have lived here since I was born not this house but here in the city. Erm, I had a Mum and a Dad obviously, Mum was and still is an accountant, and my dad...well he was a fire..fighter-" I loved my dad, I said the last part, lowering my head and sighing I thought a second and then picked up what I was saying "-Um anyway, when I was 7 I was outside, we lived on the outskirts then so we were right by the forest at the edge, I had followed a butterfly when I hear screaming, I ran back shouting out for my mother she was on the ground in front of my house screaming up to a blaze, my dad had tried to but out, the firefighter fought against the fire and was finally pulled out but was overcome by the smoke-" A little tear trickles down my cheek I manage to say "- We never said our goodbyes, he was mad at me but still smiled when he left for work, I couldn't help thinking that.....if..I.....I-" If I had been in the home, either I would have died also or my Dad would of gotten me out and gone back for mum, so they both die.

I suddenly feel a cold arm along my shoulders, I weakly try to shrug it off but it stays. 

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked, It was more recent for you, me not so much I'm sorry-"He says smoothly and comforting "-Oh I have to go" he rushed ,

"Hey, can I go out the window?" He asks, I wipe my eyes and look up, was he also crazy?

"Um would you ever come back and Are you sure?" I reply, gazing into his deep green eyes.

"Of course I'm sure, and if that's an invitation then sure if I can," he cheerfully replies,

"Yeah of course come back sometime, and go ahead jump out the window" I say, I really wanted him to stay, just for a little longer, but he seemed urgent a second ago "you crazy person" I add

"I can fly I'm telling you this is no big deal! Until next time Mysti!" he salutes and casually falls out the window, I toddle up to the window sill, 

"Bye Jak-Jacob." I say after him, doubt he heard, I couldn't see him anymore. It was only 11:00 now and I had too much time to kill, I decided to settle down to some revision and eventually on my bed to read, wishing in my head he would come back...

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