Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One


I looked at her with concern,

"What happened?" I questioned, her facial expression bewildered, I went over and sat on her bed with her, laying down beside where she was

"I-I-I," She stuttered, she lay back, and put her head and hand on my chest, I raised my arms in surprise and relaxed them putting them around her shoulder and over her, protecting her.

"You don't have to say anything," She snuggled into me and drifted back off to sleep.


I woke that morning,with someone playing with my hair, remembering my night mare, I shuddered

"Sorry am I cold?" a honey sweet tone asked, I looked up and around me to see I was laying on Jacob, I jumped out the position and he moved back, "Sorry, again" he kept apologising.

"It's okay just startled me, your not cold..." Mental face palm, he chuckled at my comment,

"Thank you, I guess." he chuckled still, what was so funny? He then ruffled his hair and sat back on my bed, I also went back to my position without leaning on Jacob.

"So, what was your dream last night? Before you woke up." he questioned sitting upright, oh last night

"Um...well I was asleep when someone said "Lover boy is going to get whats coming to him, you will also, You shall watch everyone you love die or die for them, leading one particular to death to save you" Then I said "No, no, no, that won't happen" then it said "Then come with me," and In my dream I was being pulled away by chains, what its a dream, anyway then I shouted "No, NO! HELP! HELP! " Then I heard you say my name then I shouted you for help Jake, then I woke up at you shouting my name," he was processing what I had just said, I looked at my clock "S*&#! Jake It's monday, I have school!" I got out my bed, nearly rolled and fell on the floor, I stumbed to the bathroom with my Blue hoodie and light grey jeans

"Mysti! You up babe, I'm leaving now, bye!" Mum shouted up, shoot! It was nearly 8:00. I brushed my hair up into a high ponytail, shoved on my clothes and went out the door,

"I will be leaving okay? Will you be okay?" Jake asked as I franticly looked around for my things, I grabbed my school back and went downstairs to get my keys,

"Yeah sure will, see you later!" I rushed out the door putting my blue pumps on and let Jacob out, and rushed down the road to school.


She looked cute, rushing around like a blue arse fly, what its a saying? She said goodbye and we went out the door, she rushed down the road with her hair up in a flowing ponytail and practically jogged away with her bag on her shoulder.


I got to school around 36 minutes after leaving, I met Bliss at the gate,

"Hey, how are you?" she asked, she was excited this morning, mostly because she had a date later with Aaron.

"Yeah, Im-I'm good," I smiled back at her, the she started her ramble, you get used to this with Bliss, she just goes on and on and on, sometimh I pick up on the good things to hear.

"Mysti?" She was shoving me now, we where sitting down in our places in home room and I had completely zoned her our

"Yeah what sorry?" I said completely dazed

"Would you ever want to go out with him..."

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