Chapter Two

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Chapter Two


What happened was somewhat magical but it saved me, I cautiously walked home quickly, it was hard in heels.

I had a nagging feeling that someone was following me, but no one was there. I again fell victim to thinking out loud.

"It was a nice night, shame Jamie and his small, tiny possy had to find me, oh school is going to be difficult. But what did that wind and lifted me for a slight moment and pushed them away and me to safety. Baffles me." I then noticed people also from a night out and stopped my whisper of an internal monologue.

It was Bliss and Prim drunk as usual on a Friday night

"Ooo!"She yelped "Mystaaay! how are you, oof, you know your my bestest friend!" Oh dear god I thought,

"Yeah okay get home Bliss and you Prim," I told them in a motherly tone,

"Sure will" Prim replied, she wasn't as drunk she was on my level.

It didn't take me long to get home, I was slightly cold but it was June so I still pondered over why the wind was like that earlier.

I got home and mum was up, she was finishing off her work,

"Oh hey Myst, get to bed love"

"Yeah sure" I muttered as I ambled up the white staircase.

When may have been 16 but to be honest we looked 18 , in our dresses or clothes, and I'm not going to complain .

I chucked my bag over my desk chair and flopped on my bed, it was Saturday tomorrow I slowly slipped in to a slumber in my little red dress with my heels kicked in the floor.

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