Arguments and Regrets

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We explained what happened to us and why we was fighting the Decpticons. I can't say that it was easy explaining things. In fact it was actually harder than when I had to explain about myself when they first found us out. "So now that you know... screw it." My dad says while walking away. He goes back to normal size and flies out of the drive thru. 

Now with no backup all of the attention was on me. Which is never a good thing for me in the end. "(Y/n), I cannot permit you to fight the Decpticons. It is simply too dangerous for you." Optimus says while looking me in the eyes. "You can't stop me though... I will fight to protect our artifacts and my people." I respond staring into his optics blankly. "You need all the help you can get in the end... Plus it could mean I could find more of my people too." I finish off while looking off at the floor. "No matter what reason it is too dangerous for you to fight them without proper training." Optimus says calmly. 

I can see his reasoning but it just didn't feel right to me. "I'm sorry but we have to hold the artifacts for save keeping." Optimus states. "Fine." I respond coldly. I transform back into my normal size and throw my armor and weapons over across the room. "Stay away." I state staring up at them before flying out. 

I sigh while I fly away from the base and the small town. I just felt like I could scream; like who do they think they are. I take out the phone and let it fall to the ground; knowing it would shatter easily from this height.  I close my eyes and try to relax, feeling the wind and earth passing me with each beat of my wings. The sandy area slowly went into a more forest landscape. With rocky trails ere and there around some hills. I soon hear cars behind me. I sigh and glance behind me to see a red car and a blue one. "Decpticons." I breathe out since I just remembered them as the ones we fought earlier. I fly up even higher since I learned my lesson from last time I got caught. 

I look down to see the red one speed up to catch up wit me. I huff and try to push myself to go faster. I look back to see the car ramp of a mountain like hill and transform. I had no time to react which resulted me to be grabbed. "Sorry Doll but your flight time is up." His says smirking, keeping a grip on me. "Let me go red. I'm not in the mood to be messed with." I hiss out trying to budge his hand. "The names Knockout not red, Doll." He responds, rolling his optics. His hand goes up to the side of is head and touches it. "Requesting ground bridge."  His hand goes back down and the blue one transforms. They walk through it, I kinda just had to chill. Once we came through they continue out of the room and out some doors. 

They walk down the the dark hallway till we go to some doors.  The blue one picked up a huge glass container. He gave it to Knockout, and then he dropped me in it. You know like how a jerk would. I fly up quickly only to have the lid shut in my face. I land back down and glare at the two. The doors finally opened and they walked forward. The room was dark but had more robots working around controls, I think. The room was probably the main control center of the ship. I glance at the window, the only place I've seen so far that shows the outside world. 

"Here you are Lord Megatron, the Autobot's pet that can fly." Knockout said while holding the container up to eye level. Which caused me to lock eyes with who I assume to be 'Megatron'. He was manly silver but with areas of dark purple here and there, and piercing purple optics. He's probably a leader of all of this. "Keep an eye on it until Soundwave or I come get it then... since you did mention how crafty it is after all." He commands, his piercing gaze on the three of us. I have to say that he just freaks me out from his gaze alone. "Yes Lord Megatron." Knockout says before turning around and walking out of the room. 

Once were in the hallway his optics glance at me. "Looks like we'll be together quite often." I can basically hear the smirk in his words. I'm regretting every single thing I did today just because of this. I sit down with my legs in criss cross position, hoping it make this ride a little more stable. Only time will tell if I'll be saved or what.

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