And if I ever catch the ones who hurt you

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Vic's POV

"Oh my god nonono Jo!" I kept screaming. "Jo wake up! Please Jo wake up!" I shook her, praying she was okay. "Jo!" I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Vic, she's going to be okay, try to stop the bleeding." Tony said. But I couldn't move. I was fixated on her paling face and her inconsistent breathing.

"She's going to die. I couldn't save her. I was too late. I finally got her back and now she's going to die..."

"Vic stop! She's going to be okay, don't worry. We're on the way to the hospital. Mike turn there!" Tony ordered. The car swerved to the left and Tony pulled Jo onto his lap.

"Here." Jaime said. He handed Tony his sweatshirt who balled it up and pressed it against the bullet wound. Jaime climbed in back with us and helped Tony by keeping me away from Jo. "Hey, don't worry we're almost there." He said as he tried to calm me down. I couldn't respond, tears were running down my face and I just looked away.

"Sh-She's going to die..." I chocked out. I buried my face in Jaime's chest and cried.

"Ahh, shit!" Tony cried. I spun my head around and saw that it had already bled through the sweatshirt. I gasped and Jaime turned my head towards him.

"Don't look." He stated. I shut my eyes and tried to compose myself. She's going to be okay. She's not going to die. We're going to get there in time I told myself. I bit into my lip to keep from sobbing too loudly.

"We're here let's go!" Mike yelled, jumping out of the car and opening the back door for us. Tony got out and took Jo in his arms. Jaime pulled me out too and we all raced for the emergency enterance. Mike held the door and Tony brought Jo in, screaming for help. I was too dazed to focus on anything but my daughter.

"Help us! I need a doctor!" Tony yelled. A nurse ran up to us.

"What happened?" She asked as she brought a bed over. Tony laid Jo down on it, still unconscious. I stood next to her and pushed some hair out of her face.

"She was shot, she's bleeding a lot!" Tony exclaimed. "We tried to stop it, but--"

"We'll take care of it." The nurse said. A doctor wheeled Jo into a different room.

"Jo?" I asked as I tried to follow her. Jaime grabbed my arm.

"You can't go in with her. Don't worry, she's going to be fine." He said. I felt lightheaded as we sat in the waiting room. The same nurse came over too us.

"Which one of you is her father?" I looked up and raised my hand a little. She handed me a clipboard and pen. "I need you to fill this out. So...what happened?" She asked. I opened my mouth to speak.

"She...uh..." I started.

"She got caught up in a shoot out. Some gang violence stuff." Tony answered for me.

"Oh." She started. "Well, we'll take good care of her and let you know when you can come in. Bring that up when you're done." She said motioning to the forms. I nodded and stared blankly at them. I slowly wrote my name on the parent/guardian line. It was hardly legible, but my hand was shakey. A door slammed and I jumped, at first thinking it was a gun. I pinched the bridge of my nose and squeezed my eyes shut. Someone took the clipboard out of my hands and patted my shoulder.

"I'll finish it." Mike said. I nodded and leaned back in the chair. Soon Mike got up and handed the lady at the counter the clipboard.

After what seemed like hours, a doctor came up to us.

"Which one of you is Jo's father?" We all jumped up and the doctor looked confused. I stepped forward. "She's out of surgery. We got the bullet out and stitched her up. She lost a lot of blood, but she'll make it." I sighed in relief. "You four can go see her now. She's not awake yet, but she should be awake as soon as the anesthesia wears off. She's right in there." He pointed to a room and I nodded.

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