When I'm sober I feel pain

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Vic's POV

I'm still shocked that Tony backed out of the wedding. And even more shocked about why. Tony and Jaime? I never thought one of those stupid ship things would actually happen... Now I'm all stressed because they look so perfect together...and I'm worried what will happen if they break up. Would we be able to work it out or would we lose one or both of them? What would happen to the band?

But tonight's a happy night! We're celebrating Tony and Jaime's relationship and hopefully never having to see Jessica again. I really hated her...of course I never told Tony that. After the wedding attempt, we all headed back to the hotel and changed into more casual clothing. The reception was in a room off of the main floor of the hotel so that's where we are now.

After Jaime finished singing I'm the secret, which was super cute, Tony asked if I would play a few songs, which I gladly did considering I could tell how much Tony and Jaime were itching to make-out some more. I sang Kissing in Cars first, changing it from "her" to "him" for the sake of the situation. I noticed Jo drinking something that I knew had alsohol in it and glared at her. She just shrugged and walked away. I sang Yeah Boy and Doll Face, and finished with Bulletproof Love.

Some relatives and friends began to speak about Tony and Jaime, making it all up on the spot due to the recent events, but it was all positive and I was really happy that everyone here supported them. Mike and I got up after everyone had gone and stood at the mic looking at Tony and Jaime.

"You guys are my best friends. I never expected this to happen, but I want you two to know that both of us are so happy for you. Tony, Jessica wasn't right for you, I could always see that. Maybe that makes me a bad friend for not telling you sooner, but I can't tell you how proud I am that you realized that yourself and stood strong. That must have been one of the most difficult things you've ever had to do. Jaime, I've known you forever, and as long as I've known you, you've never had a relationship that you seemed really happy in. Now, with Tony, I can see that this is the perfect match. You two were meant to be together, and we wish you the best of luck in your relationship." I raised my glass to the crowd. "To Perrciado!"

"To Perrciado!" Everyone repeated. We all drank and continued on with the party. Tony and Jaime were the only two people not dancing. They just stood in the middle of the floor making-out as we all stumbled around them in our drunken state. I didn't drink much, just because I didn't really feel like it, but I remembered that Jo hadn't said anything to the guys. Come to think of it, I hadn't seen her since I was playing...

I spotted Cali and Mark...kissing? When did this happen? Anyway, they were in the corner all alone. I scrambled through the intoxicated people to their spot near the punch. They too smelled like alcohol and I started to question who was keeping track of the alcoholic beverages here...

"Uh, hey guys? Have you seen Jo recently? I can't find her..." I asked. Cali looked up at me and shrugged.

"I might have seen her leave, but I'm not really sure. I think she was drunk." She slurred. "Ugh, I think I'm drunk..." Cali leaned on Mark who laughed and kissed her again. I left the two alone to do whatever it was that two drunk teens would do...

I wanted to check on Jo though. She can be pretty weird when she's wasted... She's not a very...social person, so I decided that she probably went back to her room. Probably to bed, but I'll make sure she's alright and not puking in the bathroom or something.

I took the elevator up to the fourth floor which was Jo's. Now that Jessica had left, she'd have the room all to herself. She probably appreciated that. Too bad we were all going to be crammed into a tour bus together for the next few months first thing tomorrow. I walked down to room 307 and knocked on the door. No one answered so I tried to listen through the door. I heard faint moans, but nothing else. I tried the door and it was unlocked so I swung it open.

I was welcomed with the beautiful sight of some random kid on top of my daughter, kissing her. WAIT WHAT!? As the light from the hallway filled the room, they turned towards me and looked light two deer caught in the headlights. I stormed over to the bed and yanked the kid off of Jo.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!? SHE'S FIFTEEN YEARS OLD! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!" I screamed over and over as I shoved the boy into the hallway. He grabbed his pants on the way out, and I was tempted to take them and force him to walk home naked, but instead I just slammed the door in his face. I rested my head against the wall and sighed. I turned back to Jo who had put on a t-shirt and some shorts. She was pale, and looked dazed; most definitely drunk out of her mind. "Jo, you're kidding me right? Please tell me you did not bring him up here..." She rolled her eyes and flopped back on the bed. "Jodie! Do you know how fucking dangerous that is? You could have got all sorts of diseases from that fucking piece of shit--"

"Adam!" She sat up and glared at me.

"What?" Jo got up and stood in front of me.

"His name was Adam, and he's a waiter downstairs. Did you see how innocent he looked? Do you really think he had ever--"

"Jo, it doesn't matter what I think he's done or hasn't. What matters is that that was a horrible desicion on your part and it could have ended badly for everyone. Why did you do this anyway?" She sighed and spun around. She almost fell due to her drunken state, but I caught her and we sat on the bed. The SPARE bed.

"Dad, I've been kind of stressed out with the whole Danny thing. And it's not like I've never--" She stopped and got up running to the bathroom.

"Jo?" I asked. I got up and followed her. Jo was hunched over, puking into the toilet. I sighed and knelt down beside her and held her hair back. I rubbed her shoulder and spoke what I hoped were comforting words to her as her body got rid of some of the excesss alcohol in her system. Once she was done, I pulled her into my lap and stroked her hair.

"I guess you're right. It's probably best not to have a screw-up child when you're fifteen, like you did." I sighed and kissed the top of her head.

"Jo, don't say that. I love you, and wouldn't trade you for anything." I could still smell the alcohol on her breath. "But as soon as you're sober, you're going to get it." I whispered to her as she fell asleep in my arms.

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