Chapter 1

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Yuri Alberto who had just turned seventeen had dominated during his first season in santos in Brazil he has now just arrived at the airport in Berlin on his way to Dortmund to sign a contract and become an official player Yuri couldn't believe it when he'd heard it from his agent Juan that he got him a deal with a European super club. Now in the taxi Yuri decided to get some sleep before he arrived in dortmund as he has a long day ahead of himself.

Yuris' pov

"Woah this is BvB its huge. I cant wait to sign my contract." I was literally screaming to the top of my lungs with excitement.
"Yuri relax we don't want to leave a bad impression especially not on your first day here." Juan was looking at me bewildered.
"Sorry I got carried away." I responded as we got out of the taxi and headed towards the entrance.
We headed towards the reception and Juan gave both his and my name and we were on our way to Dortmunds' conference room. Just outside we saw the club president and the manager Jurgen klopp waiting for us. I greeted them "Good afternoon  Sirs". They both gave me amused expressions while Juan face palmed.
" Sorry I'm not really good with formal... Stuff you know what I mean."
Klopp looked at me and just laughed " It's fine call me Jurgen." Are you ready for the press." He asked.
Not as nuch as I would like to be.
" He laughed "Dont worry about it wont be as hard as you think."

He opened the door to the room and there were loads I mean loads of journalists. I just wanted to get this part over and done with so I could see the players and do other cool stuff like that.
After Jurgen was done his speech he said "Yuri will now take any questions".
One reporter asked "how do you feel about getting the opportunity togo to a club like this so young in your career." 
"Its really exciting to get this kind of opportunity, I  would like to repay the managers trust in me by working hard and delivering good performances consistently.

After a few more questions pictures were taken of me and Klopp holding a Dortmund jersey. Until finally he said. "unfortunately as much as I would like to continue that is  really all we have time for."

After that we went to get a number on my jersey number 7. It was my moms lucky number and I use it in memory of her.

Then finally I got changed before heading into the photography room. Were my pictures were to be taken for the teams website. As I entered I saw the most beautiful woman i've ever seen.
"Damn teenage hormones".I muttered silently.
She looked at me and caught me staring and smirked. That smirk made her look very hot.  Before I even knew I said " Beautiful".

She snapped her fingers in my face "alright time to stop daydreaming".

"Lets get this over with" I said.
I learned that ladys' name was Sarah
she showed me around the building , the stadium and dorm areas. She then introduced me to the players I made faat friends with a guy called Christian who is my age and Marco who plays up front as well. Before she left she gave me her number and she agreed to see me again tommorow. But anyway it has been a long day and I wanted to go to the dorms and sleep.

But I suddenly felt my feet been taken from me . I heard an unfamiliar voice "Well isn't it the new kid ".It sounded very sarcastic with a hint of annoyance. I looked up to see an african definetely african. "Wait Aubameyang ?". WHAT THE HELL! I screamed getting back up. He shoved me against the wall "learn your place". Then he left , I stomped fowards my dorm quarters "horrible way to end a good day" I muttered angrily before I drifted of to sleep

Sorry if it was too short I will try my best to make my
future chapters longer and filled with more detail

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2018 ⏰

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