64 - "So glad to be back."

Start from the beginning

"Jason, I'm trusting you with my life. Don't fuck it up," Harry concludes his phone call. "Bye, bye."

He then turns to look at me again. We're already at the luggage belt, me dragging him through the airport while he spoke to Jason. I stopped crying along the way, but Harry still lets my hand go to put both of his on my cheeks. 

"Are you okay?" He asks, and I smile as an answer. "I promise to not stalk Jason."

"That is a ballsy promise for someone who claims to not break them."

"Depends on your definition of stalking." I roll my eyes and pucker my lips as a hint. He takes it and kisses me gently before pulling me in for a tight hug. "Can't believe we're here. That why you were crying a bit?"

"Yeah," I mumble against his chest. "Bit overwhelmed."

"Looks exactly the same."

"It has only been two years."

"You don't want to know how nervous I was when I stood here two years ago. I had no clue what I was doing."

"Clearly you didn't," I say, thinking back to how he came here expecting to see me with Thomas while he himself was sort of together with Susie. A fact he neglected to tell me. 

"Good thing we do now."

He releases me from our embrace and we realize that almost everyone has already gotten their luggage while our shared suitcase is still rolling around the belt. We laugh and carry it of so that we can get a move on. 

I booked us a hotel near the strip and the sea which can only be nice although I don't think we'll spend much time there. Harry needs to relax and for him that also means being by the sea-side. Part of me is scared to go back to the beach and see my previous work. Afraid that it will awaken the feeling I had after I left lifeguarding to go back to London jobless. My work at the 24-hour shop is dull, but I no longer feel like a failure working there instead of an exciting place like Palas Beach. I hope that seeing my old work doesn't make me feel like a sudden failure anyway. 

"God, the weather is glorious," Harry says as we step out of the airport to find a taxi. He takes a deep breath and I can see him relax. "Thanks for arranging this."

"I think you needed it. You are on the verge of a nervous breakdown, Harry. Just be, remember?"

"I remember," he says on a more serious note. "I remember it all now that we're back here."

It does feel like a full circle to return as a couple, stronger than ever. Nostalgic feelings rise thinking back to the first time I came here. 

"It's a sad thing Rosie isn't here to pick us up."

The thought of her makes Harry laugh. "Does Liam know how she ended up?"

"No, I don't think so. I asked Rob about her, but he said she's still the same girl."

"Pity for her, blessing for Liam. He's much better off with someone as independent as Nina."

"For sure. They're disgustingly perfect together aren't they? I lived with them for so long and never once heard a real fight. And even if they disagreed it never lasted longer than an hour."

"I don't know how they do it," Harry admits. "I think a fight that's shorter than an hour is a miracle for us."

"Worth celebrating after," I add and he smiles down to me.

"Which is always the best part of any fight. Just imagine never having make-up sex. Their relationship much be boring as hell."

"It's not, but we can think it is."

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